Word-Word Co-Occurrence Relation
(Redirected from word-text item co-occurrence relation)
A Word-Word Co-Occurrence Relation is a co-occurrence relation between two or more words in some text item.
- AKA: Co-Word Relation.
- Context:
- It can be summarized by a Word-Word Co-Occurrence Statistic.
- It can range from being a Text Window-based Word Co-Occurrence Relation to being a Sentence-based Word Co-Occurrence Relation to being a Document-based Word Co-Occurrence Relation.
- It can be a member of a Word Co-Occurrence Text Graph.
- Example(s):
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Word-Word Co-Occurrence Matrix, Lexical Co-Occurrence Statistic, Word Co-Occurrence Dataset.
- (Mutschke & Haase, 2001) ⇒ Peter Mutschke, and Anabel Quan Haase. (2001). “Collaboration and cognitive structures in social science research fields. Towards socio-cognitive analysis in information systems.” In: Scientometrics, 52(3).
- QUOTE: ... Links between clusters are established when keywords that are in a co-word relation are assigned to different clusters and these clusters cannot be merged because of the readability criterion, which in this case is fixed to a maximum cluster size of ten words. ...