Text Error
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A Text Error is an error in text item.
- Context:
- It can range from being a Character-Level Text Error, to being a Word-Level Text Error, to being a Sentence-Level Text Error, to being a Context-Level Text Error.
- It can range from being a Simple Text Error to being a Complex Text Error.
- It can range from being an Extra-Character Error to being a Missing-Character Error (to being a Character Substitution Error).
- It can be detected by a Text Error Detection System (that solves a text error detection task).
- It can be corrected by a Text Error Correction System (that solves a text error correction task).
- Example(s):
- an Character-Level Text Error such as:
- a Typographical Error: “
Fat-finger errors are a prodcut of the electronic processing.
” (swapped character). - a Orthographic Error: “
Th_ere is tw\no orthographic errors.
- a Typographical Error: “
- a Word-Level Text Error such as:
- a Sentence-Level Error such as:
- a Grammatical Error, such as: “
There is two grammatical error.
”. - a Syntax Error,
- a Grammatical Error, such as: “
- a WikiText Error.
- …
- an Character-Level Text Error such as:
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Text Error Generation, Text Error Analysis, Syntax Analysis, Text Annotation, Writing System, Machine Translation Speech-To-Text, Image-To-Text, Text Encoding-Decoding.
- (Bryant et al., 2017) ⇒ Christopher Bryant, Mariano Felice, and Ted Briscoe. (2017). “Automatic Annotation and Evaluation of Error Types for Grammatical Error Correction.” In: Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). ACL. DOI:10.18653/v1/P17-1074
- (Ng et al., 2014) ⇒ Hwee Tou Ng, Siew Mei Wu, Ted Briscoe, Christian Hadiwinoto, Raymond Hendy Susanto, and Christopher Bryant. (2014). “The CoNLL-2014 Shared Task on Grammatical Error Correction.” In: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning: Shared Task.
- QUOTE: Grammatical errors consist of many different types, including articles or determiners, prepositions, noun form, verb form, subject-verb agreement, pronouns, word choice, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, etc. ....
In the CoNLL-2013 shared task, the error types were extended to include five error types, comprising article or determiner, preposition, noun number, verb form, and subject-verb agreement. (...). In the CoNLL-2014 shared task, it was felt that the community is now ready to deal with all error types. Table 1 shows examples of the 28 error types in the CoNLL-2014 shared task.
- QUOTE: Grammatical errors consist of many different types, including articles or determiners, prepositions, noun form, verb form, subject-verb agreement, pronouns, word choice, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, etc.
Type | Description | Example |
Vt | Verb tense | Medical technology during that time [is → was] not advanced enough to cure him. |
Vm | Verb modal | Although the problem [would → may] not be serious, people [would → might] still be afraid. |
V0 | Missing verb | However, there are also a great number of people [who → who are] against this technology. |
Vform | Verb form | A study in 2010 [shown → showed] that patients recover faster when surrounded by family members. |
SVA | Subject-verb agreement | The benefits of disclosing genetic risk information [outweighs → outweigh] the costs. |
ArtOrDet | Article or determiner | It is obvious to see that [internet → the internet] saves people time and also connects people globally. |
Nn | Noun number | A carrier may consider not having any [child → children] after getting married. |
Npos | Noun possessive | Someone should tell the [carriers → carrier’s] relatives about the genetic problem. |
Pform | Pronoun form | A couple should run a few tests to see if [their → they] have any genetic diseases beforehand. |
Pref | Pronoun reference | It is everyone’s duty to ensure that [he or she → they] undergo regular health checks. |
Prep | Preposition | This essay will [discuss about → discuss] whether a carrier should tell his relatives or not. |
Wci | Wrong collocation/idiom error|Wrong collocation idiom | Early examination is [healthy → advisable] and will cast away unwanted doubts. |
Wa | Acronyms | After [WOWII → World War II], the population of China decreased rapidly. |
Wform | Word form | The sense of [guilty → guilt] can be more than expected. |
Wtone | Tone (formal/informal) | [It’s → It is] our family and relatives that bring us up. |
Srun | Run-on sentences, comma splices | The issue is highly [debatable, a → debatable. A] genetic risk could come from either side of the family. |
Smod | Dangling modifiers | [Undeniable, → It is undeniable that] it becomes addictive when we spend more time socializing virtually. |
Spar | Parallelism | We must pay attention to this information and [assisting → assist] those who are at risk. |
Sfrag | Sentence fragment | However, from the ethical point of view. |
Ssub | Subordinate clause | This is an issue [needs → that needs] to be addressed. |
WOinc | Incorrect word order | [Someone having what kind of disease → What kind of disease someone has] is a matter of their own privacy. |
WOadv | Incorrect adjective/ adverb order | In conclusion, [personally I → I personally] feel that it is important to tell one’s family members. |
Trans | Linking words|phrases | It is sometimes hard to find [out → out if] one has this disease. |
Mec | Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. | This knowledge [maybe relavant → may be relevant] to them. |
Rloc− | Redundancy | It is up to the [patient’s own choice → patient] to disclose information. |
Cit | Citation | Poor citation practice. |
Others | Other errors | An error that does not fit into any other category but can still be corrected. |
Um | Unclear meaning | Genetic disease has a close relationship with the born gene. (i.e., no correction possible without further clarification.) |