Text-Based Digital Content Artifact
(Redirected from text-based digital content artifact)
A Text-Based Digital Content Artifact is a digital content artifact that is primarily composed of textual content (for user consumption and information delivery).
- AKA: Text Content, Digital Text, Written Digital Artifact.
- Context:
- It can typically present Information Content through written formats.
- It can typically communicate Message through word selection and linguistic structures.
- It can typically organize Content Flow through textual organization and narrative structures.
- It can typically maintain Reading Experience through typography and text formatting.
- It can typically preserve Information Accuracy through editorial processes.
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- It can often incorporate Supporting Elements such as headers, bullet points, and paragraph breaks.
- It can often include Visual Elements like images, charts, and graphs to complement the textual content.
- It can often utilize Formatting Techniques such as bold text, italics, and highlights for emphasis.
- It can often employ Navigation Aids like table of contents, section headers, and page numbers.
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- It can range from being a Micro Text Content to being a Long-Form Text Content, depending on its content length.
- It can range from being a Simple Text Document to being a Complex Text Document, depending on its structural complexity.
- It can range from being a Technical Text Artifact to being a Creative Text Artifact, depending on its content purpose.
- It can range from being a Formal Text Document to being an Informal Text Document, depending on its tone and style.
- It can range from being a Static Text Document to being an Interactive Text Document, depending on its user interaction capability.
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- It can integrate with Digital Reading Systems for content accessibility.
- It can support Text Search Functions for information retrieval.
- It can enable Text Analysis Processes for content evaluation.
- It can facilitate Digital Text Sharing for content distribution.
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- Examples:
- Document-Based Text Artifacts, such as:
- Digital Articles, such as:
- Digital Books, such as:
- Business Documents, such as:
- Communication-Based Text Artifacts, such as:
- Digital Messages, such as:
- Social Media Texts, such as:
- Social Media Post for public sharing.
- Tweet for micro-blogging.
- Status Update for personal broadcasting.
- Comment for online discussion.
- Collaborative Texts, such as:
- Specialized Text Artifacts, such as:
- Instructional Texts, such as:
- Creative Texts, such as:
- Technical Texts, such as:
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- Document-Based Text Artifacts, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Image-Based Digital Content Artifacts, which primarily use visual elements rather than text.
- Video Digital Content Artifacts, which use moving images and audio as primary content forms.
- Audio Digital Content Artifacts, which use sound as the primary content medium.
- Interactive Digital Content Artifacts, which focus on user interaction rather than text consumption.
- Physical Text Documents, which exist in tangible form rather than digital format.
- See: Digital Document, Content Creation, Digital Publishing, Text Formatting, Information Architecture, Digital Reading, Document Management, Text Processing, Written Communication.