Post-Labor Economy

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A Post-Labor Economy is an hypothetical economy where most economic goods are produced with minimal human labor, primarily using worker robots and advanced automation technologies.



  • (GPT-4, 2024) ⇒ GPT-4. (2024). “A Post-Labor Economy: Technological Advances and Economic Implications."
    • NOTE:
      • A Post-Labor Economy refers to an economic system where most goods are produced with minimal human labor due to advanced technologies such as AI, quantum computing, robots, and automation. Traditional labor-intensive industries undergo significant transformations in this paradigm, and certain jobs may become obsolete. This shift challenges the conventional belief that technological advancements always create new jobs and have profound implications for our relationship with work, money, businesses, and society. ...
      • One significant benefit of a Post-Labor Economy is the increase in productivity. AI and advanced technologies enable faster, more efficient work, leading to substantial productivity gains. ...
      • However, there are potential drawbacks. A key concern is the reduced aggregate demand due to widespread job losses, leading to a decline in consumer spending power and potentially stalling the economy. ...
      • Post-scarcity, a related concept, describes a theoretical economic situation where most goods can be abundant with minimal human labor, making them available to all at very low or no cost. ...
      • Labour economics, which studies the labor force as an element in the production process, is highly relevant in understanding the implications of a Post-Labor Economy. It involves examining workers' efficiency, deployment, and pay across different industries and occupations, considering both market and non-market forces. ...