Linguistic Passage
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A Linguistic Passage is a linguistic item that contains a discourse.
- AKA: Text Passage, Natural Language Passage, NL Passage, Utterance Subsequence.
- Context:
- It can range from being an In-Sentence Passage (a linguistic expression) to being a Multi-Sentence Passage.
- It can range from being a Written Passage to being a Spoken Passage.
- It can be represented as a Passage Vector.
- Example(s):
- "to the house. She was not".
- “
I took some indoor evening photos with a X71z. The images are very clear - much better than those from my old w971i.
" - a Poetic Passage, such as:
- a Paragraph.
- a Tongue Twister.
- a Definitional Passage, such as: “
Minimum Wage: The minimum amount of compensation an employee must receive for performing labor. Minimum wages are typically established by contract or legislation by the government. As such, it is illegal to pay an employee less than the minimum wage.
” - PPLRE Corpus 8611.a.0-2.
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Document Section, Discourse, Linguistic Expression Subsequence.
- A paragraph or section of text or music with particular meaning; Part of a path or journey; A movement in classical dressage, in which the horse ...
- (WordNet, 2009) ⇒
- S: (n) passage (a section of text; particularly a section of medium length)
- …