Ontology Integration Task

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An Ontology Integration Task is an ontology reuse task is a database integration task (to generate a single ontology in one subject from two or more existing and different ontologies in different subjects).



  • (Obitko, 2007) ⇒ (2007) http://www.obitko.com/tutorials/ontologies-semantic-web/operations-on-ontologies.html Translations Between Ontologies in Multi-agent Systems - Ontology Operations].” PhD Thesis, Czech Technical University
    • It is possible that one application uses multiple ontologies, especially when using modular design of ontologies or when we need to integrate with systems that use other ontologies. In this case, some operations on ontologies may be needed in order to work with all of them. We will summarize some of these operations. The terminology in this areas is still not stable and different authors may use these terms in a bit shifted meaning, and so the terms may overlap, however, all of these operations are important for maintenance and integration of ontologies.
      • Merge of ontologies (...)
      • Mapping (...)
      • Alignment (...)
      • Refinement (...)
      • Unification (...)
      • Integration is a process of looking for the same parts of two different ontologies A and B while developing new ontology C that allows to translate between ontologies A and B and so allows interoperability between two systems where one uses ontology A and the other uses ontology B. The new ontology C can replace ontologies A and B or can be used as an interlingua for translation between these two ontologies. Depending on the differences between A and B, new ontology C may not be needed and only translation between A and B is the result of integration. In other words, depending on the number of changes between ontologies A and B during development of ontology C the level of integration can range from alignment to unification.
      • Inheritance (...)