Online Learning Task

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An Online Learning Task is a learning task that is an online/serial decisioning task (where soon after the prediction is made, the true label of the instance is discovered).




  • (Wikipedia, 2014) ⇒ Retrieved:2014-11-20.
    • Online machine learning is a model of induction that learns one instance at a time. The goal in on-line learning is to predict labels for instances. For example, the instances could describe the current conditions of the stock market, and an online algorithm predicts tomorrow's value of a particular stock. The key defining characteristic of on-line learning is that soon after the prediction is made, the true label of the instance is discovered.



  • (Blum & Monsour, 2007) ⇒ Avrim Blum, and Yishay Monsour. (2007). “Learning, Regret Minimization, and Equilibria.” xx xxx.
    • ABSTRACT: Many situations involve repeatedly making decisions in an uncertain environment: for instance, deciding what route to drive to work each day, or repeated play of a game against an opponent with an unknown strategy. ...