Latent Variable Model Training Task
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A Latent Variable Model Training Task is a Model Training Task that can produce a Latent Variable Model.
- See: Latent Variable Model Training System, Latent Variable Model Training Algorithm, Word Embedding Training Task.
- (Cohen, Collins et al., 2013) ⇒ Shay Cohen, Michael Collins, Dean Foster, Karl Stratos and Lyle Ungar. (2013). Spectral Learning Algorithms for Natural Language Processing." Tutorial at NAACL 2013
- QUOTE: Recent work in machine learning and NLP has developed spectral algorithms for many learning tasks involving latent variables. Spectral algorithms rely on singular value decomposition as a basic operation, usually followed by some simple estimation method based on the method of moments. From a theoretical point of view, these methods are appealing in that they offer consistent estimators (and PAC-style guarantees of sample complexity) for several important latent-variable models.