Information Overload State

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An Information Overload State is a Sensory Overload State that is due to Information.



    • The inability to process everything one hears and sees; the availability or supply of too much information, or a state of stress which results.
      • 1990, Richard Zoglin, "The Tuned-out Generation", Time, 9 Mar 1990: Some news executives attribute this youthful apathy to information overload and the explosion of media options.
      • 2006, Brian Fagan, "The Next 50 Years", Archaeology, vol. 59:5: :But it's often hard to discern the forest for the archaeological trees, partly because archaeology is now so specialized, and also because all of us suffer from information overload about the past dumped on us by the Web, newspapers, TV specials, and all the apparatus of modern global communications.
    • Information overload” is a term popularized by Alvin Toffler that refers to the difficulty a person can have understanding an issue and making decisions that can be caused by the presence of too much information. …
    • The general causes of information overload include:
      • A rapidly increasing rate of new information being produced
      • The ease of duplication and transmission of data across the Internet
      • An increase in the available channels of incoming information (e.g. telephone, e-mail, instant messaging, rss)
      • Large amounts of historical information to dig through
      • Contradictions and inaccuracies in available information
      • A low signal-to-noise ratio
      • A lack of a method for comparing and processing different kinds of information
      • The pieces of information are unrelated or do not have any overall structure to reveal their relationships
  • (The Economist, 2010a). “Data, Data Everywhere.” In: The Economist, Feb 25th 2010
    • Information has gone from scarce to superabundant. That brings huge new benefits, says Kenneth Cukier (interviewed here) — but also big headaches