Word Sense Relation
A word sense relation is a semantic relation between word senses.
- AKA: Semantic Lexical Relationship.
- Context:
- an Ontology Concept Relation. (Hirst, 2004).
- It can be an input to a Semantically Related Words Extraction Task.
- Example(s):
- a Synonymy Relation (or its inverse: antonymy relation). As with SynSets.
- a Hyponymy Relation (or its inverse: hypernymy relation), such as a subsense relation (or its inverse: supersense relation).
- a Holonymy Relation (or its inverse: meronymy relation).
- …
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Lexeme, Referring Expression, Lexical Semantic Relation, Word Sense Classification.
- (Matthews, 2007) ⇒ Peter H Matthews. (2007). “Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics." Oxford University Press. ISBN:0199202729
- QUOTE: The relation between a part of an utterance and an individual or set of individuals that it identifies. Thus one might say on some specific occasion, 'That man is my brother', where the phrase that man is used as a referring expression whose referent is a specific man whose identity one's addressee must either know or be able to determine. ... Distinguished by philosophers from sense(2), and by Lyons especially from denotation. E.g. the man is a phrase that, in such as utterance, is used to refer to a man; the noun man, as a lexical unit, denotes a class of individuals that are thereby called 'men', and has a sense distinguished, in a network of sense relations, from those of woman, boy, elephant, etc. But these distinctions are not needed for all purposes, and actual usage, as in many entries in this dictionary is more fluid. ...
... sense relation Any relation between lexical untis within the semantic system of a language: cf. sense (2). ... antonymy; complementarity; converse terms; hyponymy; incompatibility; meronymy; synonymy.
- QUOTE: The relation between a part of an utterance and an individual or set of individuals that it identifies. Thus one might say on some specific occasion, 'That man is my brother', where the phrase that man is used as a referring expression whose referent is a specific man whose identity one's addressee must either know or be able to determine. ... Distinguished by philosophers from sense(2), and by Lyons especially from denotation. E.g. the man is a phrase that, in such as utterance, is used to refer to a man; the noun man, as a lexical unit, denotes a class of individuals that are thereby called 'men', and has a sense distinguished, in a network of sense relations, from those of woman, boy, elephant, etc. But these distinctions are not needed for all purposes, and actual usage, as in many entries in this dictionary is more fluid. ...
- (Hirst, 2004) ⇒ Graeme Hirst. (2004). “Ontology and the Lexicon.” In: Steffen Staab, Rudi Studer (Eds.). “Handbook on Ontologies.” Springer. ISBN:3-540-40834-7
- SUMMARY: A lexicon is a linguistic object and hence is not the same thing as an ontology, which is non-linguistic. Nonetheless, word senses are in many ways similar to ontological concepts and the relationships found between word senses resemble the relationships found between concepts. Although the arbitrary and semi-arbitrary distinctions made by natural languages limit the degree to which these similarities can be exploited, a lexicon can nonetheless serve in the development of an ontology, especially in a technical domain.
- (Williams, 1981) ⇒ Edwin Williams. (1981). “On the Notions "Lexically Related" and "Head of a Word".” In: Linguistic Inquiry, 12(2).