Domain-Specific Question
A Domain-Specific Question is a question statement whose informational need requires domain specific knowledge.
- Context:
- It can (typically) produce a Domain-Specific Answer.
- It can range from being a Domain-Specific Linguistically-expressed Question to being a Domain-Specific Logic-expressed Question (such as a structured language query).
- It can range from being an Domain-Specific Unanswered Question to being an Domain-Specific Answered Question.
- It can range from being an Domain-Specific Unambiguous Question to being an Domain-Specific Ambiguous Question.
- It can range from being an Informal Domain-Specific Question to being a Formally-specified Domain-Specific Question.
- It can range from being a Closed-Ended Domain-Specific Question to being an Open-Ended Domain-Specific Question.
- It can range from being an Under-Specified Domain-Specific Question to being a Well-Specified Domain-Specific Question to being an Over-Specified Domain-Specific Question (depending on the coreference to the information need).
- It can be from a Domain-Specific QA Task.
- It can be a member of a Domain-Specific FAQ.
- It can be a Domain-Specific Multiple-Choice Question.
- It can be a Domain-Specific Factoid Question, such as “How many joules of energy are in a kilowatt-hour?”.
- It can be a Domain-Specific List-based Question, such as “Who are (list out) the authors of NIPS-2018 conference papers?”.
- It can be a Domain-Specific Definition Question, such as “What is a golden parachute?”.
- It can be a Domain-Specific Query Question, such as: “Is bitcoin accepted by San Francisco Federal Credit Union?”.
- It can be a Domain-Specific State-of-the-World Question, such as “Has the company file for bankruptcy?”.
- ...
- Example(s):
- a Product-Related Question, such as “Is this condiment vegan?”.
- a Health-Related Question.
- a News-Related Question.
- a Law-Related Question, such as a contract-related question.
- a Coding Question.
- a Research Question, such as: “P=NP?” or a Machine Learning Research Question.
- …
- Counter-Example(s):
- a Common Sense Question.
- a General Knowledge Question, such as “How long can a human live without water?”.
- a Domain-Specific Keyword Search Query.
- See: Glossary.