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<p>The <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">search filter</a> allows the inclusion of <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">query expressions</a> such as <code>~</code> or <code>!</code>. The selected <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">query engine</a> might also support case insensitive matching or other short expressions like:</p><ul><li><code>in:</code> result should include the term, e.g. '<code>in:Foo</code>'</li></ul><ul><li><code>not:</code> result should to not include the term, e.g. '<code>not:Bar</code>'</li></ul>
Showing 100 pages using this property.
2003 OnKernelMethodsForRelLearning
Chad Cumby
Dan Roth
2003 OntologiesForEnterpriseKnowledgeManagement
Rudi Studer
Alexander Maedche
Boris Motik
2003 OntologiesImprovTextDocClustering
Steffen Staab
Andreas Hotho
Gerd Stumme
2003 OntologyLearningAndItsAppToAutoTermTrans
Aldo Gangemi
Roberto Navigli
Paola Velardi
2003 OntologyMappingStateofTheArt
Yannis Kalfoglou
Marco Schorlemmer
Namyoun Choi
2003 OrderStatistics
Herbert A. David
Haikady Navada Nagaraja
2003 OverviewoftheTREC2003QuestionAn
Ellen Voorhees
2003 PretestPosttestDesignsandMeasur
Dimiter M. Dimitrov
Phillip D. Rumrill Jr.
2003 PrinciplesOfTheBusRulesAppr
Ronald G. Ross
2003 ProbabilityTheoryTheLogicofScie
Edwin T. Jaynes
2003 PurpleHibiscusANovel
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
2003 RankingLearningAlgorithms
Pavel B. Brazdil
Carlos Soares
Joaquim Pinto da Costa1
2003 RankingLearningAlgorithms
Pavel B. Brazdil
Carlos Soares
Joaquim Pinto da Costa1
2003 RobustEfficientFuzzyMatch
Rajeev Motwani
Surajit Chaudhuri
Venkatesh Ganti
2003 RobustRegressionAndOutlierDetection
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Annick M. Leroy
2003 SemTagAndSeeker
Ramanathan V. Guha
Stephen Dill
Andrew Tomkins
2003 SemantAnnotOfSoccerVideosAutoHighlightsId
Alberto Del Bimbo
Marco Bertini
Jürgen Assfalg
2003 SemanticAnnotationIndexingRetrieval
Atanas Kiryakov
Borislav Popov
Ivan Terziev
2003 SemanticMatching
Fausto Giunchiglia
2003 SemanticSearch
Ramanathan V. Guha
Rob McCool
Eric Miller
2003 SemanticsNPClasses
Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach
2003 ShallowParsingwithConditionalRa
Fernando Pereira
Fei Sha
2003 SpectralLearning
Dan Klein
Christopher D. Manning
Sepandar D. Kamvar
2003 StatisticalModels
Anthony C. Davison
2003 StatisticalPhraseBasedTranslati
Daniel Marcu
Philipp Koehn
Franz Josef Och
2003 StatisticalRelLearnForDocMining
Alexandrin Popescul
Lyle H. Ungar
Steve Lawrence
2003 StatisticalRelLearnForLinkPred
Alexandrin Popescul
Lyle H. Ungar
2003 SupersenseTaggingOfUnknownNounsInWordNet
Massimiliano Ciaramita
Mark Johnson
2003 SyntacticTheory
Ivan A. Sag
Thomas Wasow
Emily M. Bender
2003 TermExtractionAndAutomaticIndexing
Didier Bourigault
Christian Jacquemin
2003 TextClustBasedonBackgroundKnowledge
Steffen Staab
Andreas Hotho
Gerd Stumme
2003 TextSegmentation
Andrei Mikheev
2003 TheDoiURIScheme
Norman Paskin
Eamonn Neylon
Tony Hammond
2003 TheEvolutionOfProtege
John H. Gennari
Mark A. Musenb
Ray W. Fergersonb
2003 TheLinkPredictionProblemforSoci
Jon Kleinberg
David Liben-Nowell
2003 TheNonstochasticMultiarmedBandi
Yoav Freund
Robert E. Schapire
Peter Auer
2003 TheOxfordHandbookOfCompLing
Ruslan Mitkov
2003 TheSkillContentofRecentTechnolo
David H. Autor
Frank Levy
Richard J. Murnane
2003 TheSocialAnimal
Elliot Aronson
2003 TheStructAndFuncOfComplexNets
M. E. J. Newman
2003 TheUnifiedProblemSolveMethodDevLang
Rudi Studer
Enrico Motta
Guus Schreiber
2003 TheWebAsaParallelCorpus
Philip Resnik
Noah A. Smith
2003 TowardConditionalModelsofIdenti
Ben Wellner
Andrew McCallum
2003 TowardsAnIntegDesOfProduProcAndSupChain
Alison McKay
Alan de Pennington
2003 TowardsMonitoringOrientedProgra
Feng Chen
Grigore Roşu
2003 TowardsaTheoryofNaturalLanguage
Oren Etzioni
Ana-Maria Popescu
Henry Kautz
2003 TutorialOnMLE
In Jae Myung
2003 UnsupPersonalNameDisambig
David Yarowsky
Gideon S. Mann
2003 UnsupervisedOnsetDetection
Samer Abdallah
Mark Plumbley
2003 UsingMeasuresOfSemRelatednessForWSD
Satanjeev Banerjee
Siddharth Patwardhan
Ted Pedersen
2003 VariationalAlgsForApproxBayesInf
Matthew J. Beal
2003 WebMiningForWebPers
Magdalini Eirinaki
Michalis Vazirgiannis
2003 WeightedLowRankApproximations
Nathan Srebro
Tommi Jaakkola
2003 WordFreakAnOpenToolforLinguisti
Thomas Morton
Jeremy LaCivita
2003 WordSenseAcqFromBilingCompCorp
Hiroyuki Kaji
2003 WordSenseDisambiguation
Yorick Wilks
Mark Stevenson
2003 WordnetImprovesTextDocumentClustering
Steffen Staab
Andreas Hotho
Gerd Stumme
2003 XSEarchASemSearchEngineforXML
Sara Cohen
Jonathan Mamou
Yaron Kanza
2004 ACE-RDCGuidelines
Automatic Content Extraction Program
2004 ACE-TIDESTasks2004
Ralph Weischedel
2004 AComputerizedClinicalDecisionSu
Madhukar H Trivedi
Janet K Kern
Bruce D Grannemann
2004 ADistrAnalysisOfALexStatParsingModel
Daniel M. Bikel
2004 AMentionSynchronousCoreferenceR
Salim Roukos
Abe Ittycheriah
Hongyan Jing
2004 APracticalWebBasedApptoGener...
Shui-Lung Chuang
Lee-Feng Chien
2004 AProbabilisticFrameworkForSemiSupClust
Sugato Basu
Mikhail Bilenko
Raymond J. Mooney
2004 AStudyofSmoothingMethodsforLang
John D. Lafferty
ChengXiang Zhai
2004 ASurveyOfEmergingTrendDetection
April Kontostathis
Leon M. Galitsky
William M. Pottenger
2004 ASurveyOfMLForRefResolutionInText
Fredrik Olsson
2004 ASurveyofOutlierDetectionMethod
Victoria Hodge
Jim Austin
2004 AccurateIEfromResearchPapersUsingCRFs
Fuchun Peng
Andrew McCallum
2004 AligningBoundaryInKernelSpace
Gang Wu
Edward Y. Chang
2004 An IntegConditIEandCoref
Fuchun Peng
Ben Wellner
Andrew McCallum
2004 AnArchApproachToUnstrInforProcInTheCorpResearchEnv
David Ferrucci
Adam Lally
2004 AnEntityTagger
Ryan T. McDonald
Fernando Pereira
R. Scott Winters
2004 AnNPClusterbasedApproachtoCoref
Jian Su
Chew Lim Tan
GuoDong Zhou
2004 ApplicationsOfOntTechToViewBasedSemSearch
Eero Hyvönen
Samppa Saarela
Kim Viljanen
2004 ApplyingConditionalRandomFieldsToJapMorphAn
Taku Kudo
Kaoru Yamamoto
Yuji Matsumoto
2004 ArmadilloHarvestingInformationf
Fabio Ciravegna
Alexiei Dingli
Sam Chapman
2004 AttributeBasedAndValueBasedClustering
Abdulrahman Almuhareb
Massimo Poesio
2004 AutomaticPronominalAnaphoraReso
Tyne Liang
Dian-Song Wu
2004 AutomaticTaggingofArabicTextFro
Daniel Jurafsky
Mona Diab
Kadri Hacioglu
2004 AutomaticWriterIdentification
Lambert Schomaker
Marius Bulacu
2004 AutomaticallyInducingOntologiesFromCorpora
Inderjeet Mani
Kenneth Samuel
Kristian Concepcion
2004 BiomedicalNamedEntityRecognitio
Burr Settles
2004 BoostedLasso
Peng Zhao
Bin Yu
2004 BreakingThroughTheSyntaxBarrier
Soumen Chakrabarti
2004 CanonicalCorrelationAnalysisAnO
John Shawe-Taylor
David R. Hardoon
Sandor R. Szedmak
2004 CapitalizingonCapabilities
Norm Smallwood
Dave Ulrich
2004 CentroidBasedSummarization
Dragomir Radev
Hongyan Jing
Malgorzata Styś
2004 CitationSentenForSemantAnalysisOfBioscienceText
Marti Hearst
Preslav Nakov
Ariel Schwart
2004 CollectiveInformationExtractionWithRelMarkNets
Razvan C. Bunescu
Raymond J. Mooney
2004 CombLexSyntSemFeatWithMaxEntForRelEx
Nanda Kambhatla
2004 ComparingtheImpactofOpenAccessO
Stevan Harnad
Tim Brody
2004 ConceptNet
Hugo Liu
Push Singh
2004 ConceptNetaPracticalCommonsense
Hugo Liu
Push Singh
2004 ConditionalRandomFieldsAnIntro
Hanna M. Wallach
2004 ConfidenceEstimationforInformat
Aron Culotta
Andrew McCallum
2004 ConvexOptimization
Lieven Vandenberghe
Stephen Boyd
2004 ConvolutionKernelsForSRL
Alessandro Moschitti
2004 CorpusPatternAnalysis
Patrick Hanks
Showing 4 related entities.
Test:2014 HandbookofNetworkAnalysisKONECT
2018 RequirementsforaFlexibleandGene
2020 DensePassageRetrievalforOpenDom
2024 MemorandumonAdvancingtheUnitedS
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