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Showing 100 pages using this property.
1965 PrisonersDilemmaAStudyinConflic
Anatol Rapoport
1965 SpeculationsConcerningtheFirstU
Irving John Good
1965 TheShapeofAutomationforMenandMa
Herbert A. Simon (1916-2001)
1966 ELIZAaComputerProgramfortheStud
Joseph Weizenbaum
1966 TheLogicofTacitInference
Michael Polanyi
1966 TheTacitDimension
Michael Polanyi
1967 ComputationFiniteandInfiniteMac
Marvin L. Minsky (1927-2016)
1967 NearestNeighborPatternClassification
Thomas M Cover
Peter E Hart
1967 OneHundredYearsofSolitude
Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014)
1967 StepWiseClusterProcedure
Benjamin King
1967 WhereDoWeGofromHereChaosOrCommu
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
1968 AResearchCenterForAugmentingHumanIntellect
Douglas C. Engelbart
William K. English
1968 DoAndroidsDreamofElectricSheep
Philip K. Dick (1928–1982)
1968 TheCaseForCase
Charles J. Fillmore
1969 ATheoryForRecordLinkage
Ivan P. Fellegi
Allan B. Sunter
1969 SlaughterhouseFiveOrtheChildren
Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007)
1970 AGeneralMethodAppToTheSearchForSimInAmAcSeq
Saul B. Needleman
Christian D. Wunsch
1970 ARelationalModelofDataforLargeS
Edgar F. Codd
1970 AdaptiveAdalineNeuronUsingChemi
Bernard Widrow
1970 AnEfficientCFParsingAlgorithm
Jay Earley
1970 EfficientCapitalMarketsAReviewo
Burton G. Malkiel
Eugene F. Fama
1970 SpacetimeTradeOffsinHashCodingw
Burton H. Bloom
1970 SpellingCorrecingInSystemsPrograms
Howard L. Morgan
1970 TransitionNetworkGrammarsForNat
William A. Woods
1971 ATheoryofJustice
John Rawls (1921-2002)
1971 GraphTheoMethodsForDetectAndDescrGestaltClusters
Charles T. Zahn
1972 DescriptivePredictiveandNormati
Oskar Morgenstern (1902-1977)
1972 GeneralizedIterativeScaling
John N. Darroch
Douglas Ratcliff
1972 RegressionModelsandLifeTables
David R Cox
1972 SubjectiveProbabilityAJudgmento
Daniel Kahneman
Amos Tversky
1972 TheFoundationsOfStatistics
Leonard J. Savage
1973 CocitationInTheScientificLiterature
Henry Small
1973 HockeyHelmetsConcealedWeaponsan
Thomas C Schelling
1973 InformationTheoryAndAnExtOfMLE
Hirotugu Akaike
1973 NumericalTaxoThePrinciplesAndPractOfNumClassific
Peter H. Sneath
Robert R.Sokal
1973 PatternClassifAndSceneAnalysis
Richard O. Duda
Peter E. Hart
1973 ProblemsInIR
Jason Farradane
J. M. Russell
Penelope A. Yates-Mercer
1973 TheDenialofDeath
Ernest Becker
1974 JudgmentunderUncertaintyHeurist
Daniel Kahneman
Amos Tversky
1974 ObediencetoAuthority
Stanley Milgram (1933-1984)
1974 PrinciplesofEthicsAnIntroductio
Paul W Taylor
1974 ThePoliticalEconomyoftheRentSee
Anne O Krueger
1974 TheStringToStringCorrectionProblem
Robert A. Wagner
Michael J. Fischer
1975 ALinearSpaceAlgForCompMaxComSub
Dan S. Hirschberg
1975 AVectorSpaceModelForAutomaticIndexing
Gerard M. Salton
A. Wong
C. Yang
1975 ClusteringAlgorithms
John A. Hartigan
1975 SomeResultsonTheFunctAndQualOfCitat
Michael J. Moravcsik
Poovanalingam Murugesan
1975 TheMythicalManMonth
Frederick P. Brooks
1975 TowardsAutomaticIndexing
B. J. Field
1976 CohesioninSpokenandWrittenEngli
Ruqaiya Hasan
Freddy Y. Y. Choi
Beata Beigman Klebanov
1976 TheEntityRelationshipModelmdash
Peter Pin-Shan Chen
1976 TheSelfishGene
Richard Dawkin
1977 AConsidrationOnNormalForm
Akifumi Makinouchi
1977 MaximumLikelihoodFromIncompleteData
Arthur P. Dempster
Nan Laird
Donald Rubin
1977 OnTheCreationAndUseOfEnglCompNouns
Pamela Downing
1978 DevelopingaNaturalLanguageInter
Gary G. Hendrix
Earl D. Sacerdoti
Daniel Sagalowicz
1978 Orientalism
Edward W. Said (1935 - 2003)
1978 SemanticsandQuantificationinNat
W.A. Woods
1978 StatisticsforExperimentersAnInt
William G Hunter
J Stuart Hunter
George E. P. Box
1978 TheWorldAccordingtoGarpANovel
John Irving
1978 TimeClocksandtheOrderingofEvent
Leslie Lamport
1979 BiasedAssimilationandAttitudePo
Lee Ross
Charles G. Lord
Mark R. Lepper
1979 BootstrapMethods
Bradley Efron
1979 GodelEscherBach
Douglas R. Hofstadter
1979 InformationRetrieval
C. J. van Rijsbergen
1979 RobustLocWeiRegandSmScatterplots
William S. Cleveland
1979 SocialNetworkAnalysisForOrgs
Noel M. Tichy
Michael L. Tushman
Charles Fombrun
1979 TheTimelessWayOfBuilding
Christopher Alexander
1980 AnAlgorithmForSuffixStripping
Martin F. Porter
1980 KripkeVsKant
Richard Rorty
1980 NamingAndNecessity
Saul Kripke
1980 UnrealisticOptimismAboutFutureL
Neil D. Weinstein
1980 WealthAddiction
Philip E. Slater (1927-2013)
1981 CaseForRuleDrivenSemanticAnalysis
Martha Palmer
1981 IdentificationOfCommonMolecSubseqs
Temple F. Smith
Michael S. Waterman
1981 MarginalMaximumLikelihoodEstima
R Darrell Bock
Murray Aitkin
1981 Obasan
Joy Kogawa
1981 OntheNotionsOfLexRelatedAndHeadOfAWord
Edwin Williams
1981 TheEconomicsofSuperstars
Sherwin Rosen
1981 TheNeedForTheoryOfCiting
Blaise Cronin
1982 CacheMemories
Alan Jay Smith
1982 TheByzantineGeneralsProblem
Leslie Lamport
Robert Shostak
Marshall Pease
1982 TheRealTerrorNetworkTerrorismin
Edward S. Herman
1982 TheVarietiesOfReference
Gareth Evans
1983 BecomingAStrategicReader
Scott G. Paris
Marjorie Y. Lipson
Karen K. Wixson
1983 BuildingExpertSystems
Douglas B. Lenat
Frederick Hayes-Roth
Donald Arthur Waterman
1983 CompoundNounInterpretationProblems
Karen Spärck Jones
1983 EnglishWordFormation
Laurie Bauer
1983 HighOutputManagement
Andrew Grove (1936-2016)
1983 IRNLIAnExpertNaturalLanguageInt
Giovanni Guida
Carlo Tasso
1983 IntroductionToModernIR
Gerard M. Salton
Michael J. McGill
1983 MenubasedNaturalLanguageUnderst
Harry R. Tennant
Kenneth M. Ross
Richard M. Saenz
1983 ProvidingAUnifAccOfDefNPs
Barbara J. Grosz
Aravind K Joshi
Scott Weinstein
1983 TechnologicalAdvanceEconomicGro
Wassily Leontief
1983 TheVisualDispofQuantInfor
Edward R. Tufte
1984 ATheoryoftheLearnable
Leslie G. Valiant
1984 ClassificationAndRegressionTrees
Jerome H. Friedman
Leo Breiman
Charles J. Stone
1984 ConceptualStructures
John F. Sowa
1984 DistinctionASocialCritiqueofthe
Pierre Bourdieu
1985 ACyborgManifestoScienceTechnolo
Donna Haraway
Showing 4 related entities.
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