Trained Class Prediction Tree
A Trained Class Prediction Tree is a trained prediction tree (composed of nodes and edges) that is a classification point estimator.
- Context:
- It can (typically) be produced by a Classification Tree Training System (that solves a classification tree training task).
- It can be pruned by a Classification Tree Post-Pruning Algorithm.
- Example(s):
- A Binary-Class Prediction Tree, such as:
(IF B=0 THEN yes/76%:no/24% ELSE no/63%:no/37%)
ELSE yes/81%:no/19% - a Multiclass Prediction Tree, such as:
- one created from a Iris Dataset.
- …
- A Binary-Class Prediction Tree, such as:
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: PMML Tree, Piecewise Constant Regression Model, Tree-based Function.