Search by property
This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 2009 UserGroupingBehaviorinOnlineFor + (User Grouping Behavior in Online Forums)
- 2015 UserModelinginTelecommunication + (User Modeling in Telecommunications and Internet Industry)
- 2011 UserReputationinaCommentRatingE + (User Reputation in a Comment Rating Environment)
- 2011 UserClickModelingforUnderstandi + (User-click Modeling for Understanding and Predicting Search-behavior)
- 2006 UserFriendlyOntologyAuthoringUsinga + (User-friendly Ontology Authoring Using a Controlled Language)
- 2011 UserLevelSentimentAnalysisIncor + (User-level Sentiment Analysis Incorporating Social Networks)
- 2004 UsingAutoLearntVerbSelPref + (Using Automatically Learnt Verb Selectional Preferences for Classification of Biomedical Terms)
- 2010 UsingBM25FforSemanticSearch + (Using BM25F for Semantic Search)
- 2013 UsingCoVisitationNetworksforDet + (Using Co-visitation Networks for Detecting Large Scale Online Display Advertising Exchange Fraud)
- 1992 UsingCollaborativeFilteringtoWe + (Using Collaborative Filtering to Weave An Information Tapestry)
- Test:No pubyear UsingConvolutionalNeuralN + (Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning to Perform Yelp Restaurant Photo Classification)
- 2016 UsingConvolutionalNeuralNetwork + (Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning to Perform Yelp Restaurant Photo Classification)
- 2007 UsingCorpusStatsOnEntsToImproveSemiSupRelExFromWeb + (Using Corpus Statistics on Entities to Improve Semi-supervised Relation Extraction from the Web)
- 2010 UsingDataMiningTechniquestoAddr + (Using Data Mining Techniques to Address Critical Information Exchange Needs in Disaster Affected Public-private Networks)
- 1995 UsingDecisionTreesforConference + (Using Decision Trees for Conference Resolution)
- 2010 UsingDocumentLevelCrossEventInf + (Using Document Level Cross-event Inference to Improve Event Extraction)
- 2006 UsingEncyclKnowForNEDisambig + (Using Encyclopedic Knowledge for Named Entity Disambiguation)
- 2010 UsingFeatureConstructiontoAvoid + (Using Feature Construction to Avoid Large Feature Spaces in Text Classification)
- 2008 UsingGhostEdgesforClassificatio + (Using Ghost Edges for Classification in Sparsely Labeled Networks)
- 2007 UsingGoogleDistToWeightApproxOntMatches + (Using Google distance to weight approximate ontology matches)
- 2009 UsingGraphbasedMetricswithEmpir + (Using Graph-based Metrics with Empirical Risk Minimization to Speed Up Active Learning on Networked Data)
- 1995 UsingInformationContentToEvalSemSim + (Using Information Content to Evaluate Semantic Similarity in a Taxonomy)
- 2015 UsingLocalSpectralMethodstoRobu + (Using Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based Learning Algorithms)
- 1999 UsingMaximumEntropyforTextClass + (Using Maximum Entropy for Text Classification)
- 2003 UsingMeasuresOfSemRelatednessForWSD + (Using Measures of Semantic Relatedness for Word Sense Disambiguation)
- 2009 UsingMultipleOntologiesInIE + (Using Multiple Ontologies in Information Extraction)
- 2004 UsingNLPTechtoIdLegOntoCompConcandRel + (Using NLP Techniques to Identify Legal Ontology Components: Concepts and Relations)
- 2000 UsingNounPhraseHeadsToExtrDocKeyPhr + (Using Noun Phrase Heads to Extract Document Keyphrases)
- 2008 UsingPredictiveAnalysistoImprov + (Using Predictive Analysis to Improve Invoice-to-cash Collection)
- 2015 UsingRecurrentNeuralNetworksfor + (Using Recurrent Neural Networks for Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding)
- 2005 UsingSemNetworksForGeoInfRetr + (Using Semantic Networks for Geographic Information Retrieval)
- 2005 UsingSRLinIRSystems + (Using Semantic Roles in Information Retrieval Systems)
- 2014 UsingStrongTriadicClosuretoChar + (Using Strong Triadic Closure to Characterize Ties in Social Networks)
- 2009 UsingSyntaxtoDisambiguateExplic + (Using Syntax to Disambiguate Explicit Discourse Connectives in Text)
- 2008 UsingTagflakeforCondensingNavig + (Using Tagflake for Condensing Navigable Tag Hierarchies from Tag Clouds)
- 1998 UsingAGenerlizedInstSetForTextCat + (Using a Generalized Instance Set for Automatic Text Categorization)
- 2007 UsingANatLangUndSysToGenSemWebCont + (Using a Natural Language Understanding System to Generate Semantic Web Content)
- 2007 UsingAKBtoDisambigPersonalName + (Using a knowledge base to disambiguate personal name in web search results)
- 2002 UsingTheIntelMinerForData + (Using the Intelligent Miner for Data, v8 r1)
- 2024 UtilizingLargeLanguageModelstoA + (Utilizing Large Language Models to Analyze Common Law Contract Formation)
- 2014 UtilizingTemporalPatternsforEst + (Utilizing Temporal Patterns for Estimating Uncertainty in Interpretable Early Decision Making)
- 1516 Utopia + (Utopia)
- 2015 VEWSAWikipediaVandalEarlyWarnin + (VEWS: A Wikipedia Vandal Early Warning System)
- 2009 VagueOneClassLearningForDa + (Vague One-Class Learning for Data Streams)
- 2001 ValidationofClinicalClassificat + (Validation of Clinical Classification Schemes for Predicting Stroke)
- 2001 ValueMaximizationStakeholderThe + (Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function)
- 2000 ValueFunctionApproximationsforP + (Value-function Approximations for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes)
- 2018 VarianceReducedStochasticGradie + (Variance-Reduced Stochastic Gradient Descent on Streaming Data)
- 2003 VariationalAlgsForApproxBayesInf + (Variational Algorithms for Approximate Bayesian Inference)
- 2018 VariationalAutoencodersforColla + (Variational Autoencoders for Collaborative Filtering)
- 2005 VariationalMessagePassing + (Variational Message Passing)