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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.
List of results
- 2004 PerformanceBoundedReinforcement + (Performance Bounded Reinforcement Learning in Strategic Interactions)
- 2015 PerformanceModelingandScalabili + (Performance Modeling and Scalability Optimization of Distributed Deep Learning Systems)
- 2008 PermuPatternDiscoveryofMutableP + (Permu-pattern: Discovery of Mutable Permutation Patterns with Proximity Constraint)
- 2011 PersonalPrivacyVsPopulationPriv + (Personal Privacy Vs Population Privacy: Learning to Attack Anonymization)
- 2007 PersonalizedContentRecommendati + (Personalized Content Recommendation and User Satisfaction: Theoretical Synthesis and Empirical Findings)
- 2016 PersonalizedRankingwithPairwise + (Personalized Ranking with Pairwise Factorization Machines)
- 2014 PersonalizedSearchResultDiversi + (Personalized Search Result Diversification via Structured Learning)
- 2015 PersonalizingLinkedInFeed + (Personalizing LinkedIn Feed)
- 2005 PersonalizingSearchviaAutomated + (Personalizing Search via Automated Analysis of Interests and Activities)
- 2009 PervasiveParallelisminDataMinin + (Pervasive Parallelism in Data Mining: Dataflow Solution to Co-clustering Large and Sparse Netflix Data)
- 2015 PetuumANewPlatformforDistribute + (Petuum: A New Platform for Distributed Machine Learning on Big Data)
- 1807 PhenomenologyofSpirit + (Phenomenology of Spirit. 1807)
- 1953 PhilosophicalInvestigations + (Philosophical Investigations)
- 2010 PhilosophyoftheMiniZincChalleng + (Philosophy of the MiniZinc Challenge)
- 2008 PhraseChunkingUsingEntropyGuide + (Phrase Chunking Using Entropy Guided Transformation Learning)
- 2009 PhraseClusteringforDiscriminati + (Phrase Clustering for Discriminative Learning)
- 2016 PhrasebasedMachineTranslationis + (Phrase-based Machine Translation is State-of-the-Art for Automatic Grammatical Error Correction)
- 2019 PhysicalActivitySleepandCardiov + (Physical Activity, Sleep and Cardiovascular Health Data for 50,000 Individuals from the MyHeart Counts Study)
- 2008 PhysicsOfTheImpossible + (Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel)
- 2008 PictorAnInteractiveSystemforImp + (Pictor: An Interactive System for Importing Data from a Website)
- 2022 Pix2StructScreenshotParsingAsPr + (Pix2Struct: Screenshot Parsing As Pretraining for Visual Language Understanding)
- 2019 PlainEnglishSummarizationofCont + (Plain English Summarization of Contracts)
- 2006 PlanningAlgorithms + (Planning Algorithms)
- 2012 PlanningwithMarkovDecisionProce + (Planning with Markov Decision Processes: An AI Perspective)
- 2012 PlaylistPredictionviaMetricEmbe + (Playlist Prediction via Metric Embedding)
- 2015 PointerNetworks + (Pointer Networks)
- 2016 PointerSentinelMixtureModels + (Pointer Sentinel Mixture Models)
- 2005 PoissonPoissonGammaandZeroInfla + (Poisson, Poisson-gamma and Zero-inflated Regression Models of Motor Vehicle Crashes: Balancing Statistical Fit and Theory)
- 2014 PolanyisParadoxandtheShapeofEmp + (Polanyi's Paradox and the Shape of Employment Growth)
- 1993 PoliticalLiberalism + (Political Liberalism)
- 2014 PoliticalOrderandPoliticalDecay + (Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy)
- 2013 PolyglotDistributedWordRepresen + (Polyglot: Distributed Word Representations for Multilingual {NLP})
- 1995 PolysemyAndRelatedPhenomena + (Polysemy and Related Phenomena from a Cognitive Linguistic Viewpoint)
- 2015 PortrayingCollectiveSpatialAtte + (Portraying Collective Spatial Attention in Twitter)
- 2012 PositionNormalizedClickPredicti + (Position-normalized Click Prediction in Search Advertising)
- 1990 PovertyandOpportunityStructurei + (Poverty and Opportunity Structure in Rural America)
- 2023 PowerandProgressOurThousandYear + (Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle over Technology and Prosperity)
- 2015 PoweringRealTimeDecisionEngines + (Powering Real-time Decision Engines in Finance and Healthcare Using Open Source Software)
- 2012 PracticalBayesianOptimizationof + (Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms)
- 2012 PracticalCollapsedVariationalBa + (Practical Collapsed Variational Bayes Inference for Hierarchical Dirichlet Process)
- 2011 PracticalGuidetoControlledExper + (Practical Guide to Controlled Experiments on the Web: Listen to Your Customers Not to the Hippo)
- 2007 PracticalGuidetoControlledExper + (Practical Guide to Controlled Experiments on the Web: Listen to Your Customers Not to the Hippo)
- 2007 PracticalStatisticalAI + (Practical Statistical Relational AI)
- 2010 PracticalVeryLargeScaleCRFs + (Practical Very Large Scale CRFs)
- 2011 PracticalAppropriateEmpirically + (Practical, Appropriate, Empirically-validated Guidelines for Designing Educational Games)
- 2023 PreTrainPromptandPredictASystem + (Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Methods in Natural Language Processing)
- 2007 PrecariousEmploymentandHealthDe + (Precarious Employment and Health: Developing a Research Agenda)
- 2009 PrecariousWorkInsecureWorkersEm + (Precarious Work, Insecure Workers: Employment Relations in Transition)
- 2009 PredatorsorPlowshArmContofRobWeap + (Predators or Plowshares? Arms Control of Robotic Weapons)
- 2009 PredictablyIrrational + (Predictably Irrational)
- 2009 PredictingBounceRatesinSponsore + (Predicting Bounce Rates in Sponsored Search Advertisements)