Logistic Probability Distribution Family
A Logistic Probability Distribution Family is an exponential probability function family of the form [math]\displaystyle{ f(t,A,B,C) \equiv (C + Ae^{-Bt})^{-1} }[/math] that defines a set of logistic probability functions.
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- See: Gaussian Probability Function Family, Location Parameter, Real Number, Scale Parameter, Beta Function, Probability Theory, Statistics, Cumulative Distribution Function, Logistic Function, Logistic Regression, Feedforward Neural Network, Normal Distribution, Kurtosis, Tukey Lambda Distribution.
- (Wikipedia, 2014) ⇒ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/logistic_distribution Retrieved:2014-8-3.
- In probability theory and statistics, the logistic distribution is a continuous probability distribution. Its cumulative distribution function is the logistic function, which appears in logistic regression and feedforward neural networks. It resembles the normal distribution in shape but has heavier tails (higher kurtosis). The Tukey lambda distribution can be considered a generalization of the logistic distribution since it adds a shape parameter, λ (the Tukey distribution becomes logistic when λ is zero).