Logistic Model Training Task
A Logistic Model Training Task is a supervised model-based classification task whose classification function family is a logistic function.
- Context:
- Input: a Logistic Regression Model.
- output: a Fitted Logistic Function.
- It can be solved by a Logistic Regression System (that implements an LR algorithm).* Counter-Example(s)
- It can (typically) assumes that the Log-Odds of an observation y can be expressed as a linear function of the input variables.
- Example(s)
- use logistic regression to solve the Iris Dataset Classification Task.
- …
- Counter-Example(s)
- See: Linear Regression Task.
- (Magder & Hughes, 1997) ⇒ Laurence S. Magder, and James P. Hughes. (1997). “Logistic Regression When the Outcome is Measured with Uncertainty.” American journal of epidemiology 146, no. 2
- QUOTE: ... Epidemiologists often use logistic regression to estimate the effect of various predictors on some binary outcome of interest …