Corpus-Based Morphological Analysis Task
A Corpus-Based Morphological Analysis Task is a Morphological Analysis Task that converts the text in a corpus database into a morphological segmentation of the word forms.
- Context:
- Task Input: a Corpus Database.
- Task Output: Word Segmentation.
- It can be solved by a Corpus-Based Morphological Analysis System by implementing Corpus-Based Morphological Analysis Algorithm.
- Example(s):
- Counter-Example(s):
- an Associative Model Morphological Analysis Task,
- a Finite State Automata (FSA) Morphological Analysis Task,
- a Directed Acrylic Word Graph (DAWG) Morphological Analysis Task,
- a Two-Level Morphological Analysis Task.
- a Finite-State Transducers (FST) Morphological Analysis Task,
- a Mininum Description Lenth Morphological Analysis Task,
- a Paradigm Based Morphological Analysis System,
- a Recurrent Neural Network Language Model (RNNLM) Morphological Analysis Task,
- a Stemmer Based Morphological Analysis Task,
- See: Natural Language Syntactic Analysis Task, Morphological Tag, Morphological Inflection, Morphological Derivation, Part-of-Speech Tagging System, Word Sense Disambiguation, Minimum Description Length, Zipfian Sparsity, Gibbs Sampling, Non-concatenative Morphology, Allomorphy, Morphophonology, Recurrent Neural Network Language Model.
- (Saranya, 2008) ⇒ S. K. Saranya. (2008). “Morphological Analyzer for Malayalam Verbs.” In: M. Tech Thesis, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- QUOTE: Corpus is a large collection of written text belong to a particular language. Raw corpus can be used for morphological analysis. It takes raw corpus as input and produces a segmentation of the word forms observed in the text. Such segmentation resembles morphological segmentation. Morfessor1.0 developed in Helsinki University is a corpus based language independent morphological segmentation program. The LTRC Hyderabad successfully developed a corpus based morphological analyzer. The program combines paradigm based approach as well corpus based approach.