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| A [[Wikipedia's English Clinical Research Glossary]] is a [[English glossary|English]] [[clinical research glossary]] that is a [[Wikipedia-based glossary]].
| | #REDIRECT [[Wikipedia's English Clinical Research Glossary]] |
| * <B>Example(s):</B>
| |
| ** [[English Wikipedia's Glossary of Clinical Research]] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_clinical_research]
| |
| ** ...
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| * <B>Counter-Example(s):</B>
| |
| ** a [[French Clinical Research Glossary]], such as: <code>https://notre-recherche-clinique.fr/lexique/</code>
| |
| * <B>See:</B> [[Clinical Research Terminology]].
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| == References ==
| |
| | |
| === 2021 ===
| |
| * (Wikipedia, 2021) ⇒ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_clinical_research Retrieved:2021-11-6.
| |
| ** A [[glossary]] of terms used in [[clinical research]].
| |
| | |
| * '''[[Activities of daily living]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Adverse drug reaction]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Adverse effect]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Adverse effect|Side effect]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Adverse event]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Adverse reaction]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Animal model]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Animal study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Approved drugs]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Arm]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Audit report]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Audit trail]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Audit]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Baseline (medicine)|Baseline]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Bayesian inference|Bayesian]]''' approaches
| |
| * '''[[Best practice]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Bias]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Bioavailable]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Bioinformatics]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Biological drug]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Biometrics]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Biometry]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Biostatistics]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Blinded study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Case report form]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Case report]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Case series]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Case-control study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Clinical endpoint|Endpoint]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Clinical endpoint|Outcome]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Clinical investigator]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Clinical investigator|Investigator]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Clinical practice guidelines]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Clinical researcher]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Clinical series]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Clinical study]]''' or '''Clinical trial'''
| |
| * '''[[Clinical trial protocol]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Cohort (statistics)]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Cohort study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Community-based clinical trial]] (CBCT)'''
| |
| * '''[[Comparator]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Compassionate use trial]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Compassionate use]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Complementary and alternative therapy]]'''
| |
| * '''[[compliance (regulation)|Compliance]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Confidentiality]] regarding trial participants'''
| |
| * '''[[Consecutive case series]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Content validity]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Contract Research Organization]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Contract]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Contraindication]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Control group]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Controlled trials]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Controlled trials|Controlled clinical trial]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Data and Safety Monitoring Board]]''' or '''Independent Data Monitoring Committee'''
| |
| * '''[[Diagnosis|Diagnostic]] trials'''
| |
| * '''[[Documentation]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Dose (biochemistry)#Effects are dose-dependent|Dose-dependent]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Dose (biochemistry)|Dose]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Dose-ranging study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Double-blind study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Double-blind|Blind]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Dropping out|Dropout]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Drug interaction|Drug–drug interaction]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Drug]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Efficacy]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Empirical]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Epidemiology]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Expanded access trial]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Expanded access]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Experimental drug]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Experimental techniques|Experimental]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Food and Drug Administration]] (FDA)'''
| |
| * '''[[Frequency probability|Frequentist methods]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Good clinical practice]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Healthcare professional|Clinician]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Historic cohort study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Human subject research|Human subject]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Hypothesis]]'''
| |
| * '''[[In vitro]]'''
| |
| * '''[[In vivo]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Incidence (epidemiology)|Incidence]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Indication (medicine)|Indication]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Informed consent]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Inspection]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Institution]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Institutional Review Board]] (IRB)'''
| |
| * '''[[Inter-rater reliability]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Interaction]]''' (Qualitative & Quantitative)
| |
| * '''[[Interest group|Advocacy]] and [[support group]]s'''
| |
| * '''[[Interim analysis]]'''
| |
| * '''[[International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use|ICH]] E6''': {{citation | title = Guidance for Industry - E6 Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated Guidance | publisher = [[U.S. Department of Health and Human Services]], [[Food and Drug Administration]] | date = April 1996 | url = https://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm073122.pdf}}
| |
| * '''[[International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use|ICH]] E9''': {{citation | title = Guidance for Industry - E9 Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials | date = September 1998 | url = https://www.fda.gov/downloads/drugs/guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/guidances/ucm073137.pdf| publisher = [[U.S. Department of Health and Human Services]], [[Food and Drug Administration]] }}
| |
| * '''[[Intra-rater reliability]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Investigational drug]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Investigational New Drug]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Investigator's Brochure]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Levels of evidence]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Masked]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Medication]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Medicine]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Meta-analysis]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Monitoring in clinical trials|Monitoring]]'''
| |
| * '''[[National Cancer Institute|NCI]]''': {{citation | url = http://www.cancer.gov/dictionary/db_alpha.aspx | publisher = [[National Cancer Institute]] | title = Dictionary of Cancer Terms}}
| |
| * '''[[National Institutes of Health]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Natural history study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[New Drug Application]] (NDA)'''
| |
| * '''[[Nonconsecutive case series]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Observation]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Observational study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Off-label]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Open label study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Orphan drugs]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Outpatient]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Over-the-counter drug]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Patient advocate]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Peer review]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Pharmacokinetics]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Phase I clinical trials]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Phase II clinical trials]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Phase III clinical trials]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Phase IV clinical trial]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Physical examination|Clinical]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Pilot study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Placebo effect]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Placebo-controlled studies|Placebo controlled study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Placebo]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Population study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Preclinical]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Preventive medicine|Prevention]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Prospective cohort study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Quality Assurance]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Quality of life]] trials (or supportive care trials)'''
| |
| * '''[[Randomization]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Randomized clinical trial]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Recruitment|Recruiting]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Regimen]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Retrospective cohort study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Retrospective]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Risk-benefit ratio]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Scientific control|Control]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Selection bias]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Single blind study]]'''
| |
| * '''[[sponsor (commercial)|Sponsor]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Standard Operating Procedures]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Standard treatment]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Standards of care]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Statistical significance]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Statistical significance|Significant]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Study endpoint]]'''
| |
| * '''[[t-test]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations|21CFR312.3]]''': {{citation | title = Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21--Food and Drugs, Chapter I--Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, Part 312--Investigational New Drug Application, Subpart A--General Provisions, Sec. 312.3 Definitions and Interpretations | url = http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/21cfr312_03.html}}
| |
| * '''[[Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations|21CFR50.3]]''': {{citation | title = Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21--Food and Drugs, Chapter I--Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, Part 50--Protection of Human Subjects, Subpart A--General Provisions, Sec. 50.3 Definitions | url = http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2002/aprqtr/21cfr50.3.htm}}
| |
| * '''[[Toxicity]]'''
| |
| * '''[[Treatment IND]]'''
| |
| * '''[[United States National Library of Medicine|NLM]]''': {{citation | url = http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/info/glossary | publisher = [[U.S. National Library of Medicine]] | title = Glossary of Clinical Trials Terms | access-date = 2008-10-05 | archive-url = https://www.webcitation.org/61BHrqVfM?url=http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/info/glossary | archive-date = 2011-08-24 | url-status = dead }}
| |
| * '''Applicable regulatory requirement'''
| |
| * '''Approval''' (in relation to institutional review boards (IRBs))
| |
| * '''Audit certificate'''
| |
| * '''Blind review'''
| |
| * '''Clinical investigation'''
| |
| * '''Clinical Trial/Study Report'''
| |
| * '''Control animal'''
| |
| * '''Coordinating Committee'''
| |
| * '''Coordinating Investigator'''
| |
| * '''Direct Access'''
| |
| * '''Dose-limiting'''
| |
| * '''Dose-rate'''
| |
| * '''Double-dummy'''
| |
| * '''Eligibility criteria'''
| |
| * '''Enrolling'''
| |
| * '''Equivalence trial'''
| |
| * '''Essential Documents'''
| |
| * '''Evaluable disease'''
| |
| * '''Evaluable patients'''
| |
| * '''Follow-up'''
| |
| * '''Full analysis set'''
| |
| * '''Generalisability, Generalisation'''
| |
| * '''Global assessment variable'''
| |
| * '''Healthy control'''
| |
| * '''Historical control subject'''
| |
| * '''Impartial Witness'''
| |
| * '''Inclusion/exclusion criteria'''
| |
| * '''Independent Ethics Committee'''
| |
| * '''Informed consent document'''
| |
| * '''Intent to treat'''
| |
| * '''Interim Clinical Trial/Study Report'''
| |
| * '''Intervention group'''
| |
| * '''Intervention name'''
| |
| * '''Intervention'''
| |
| * '''Investigational'''
| |
| * '''Legally Acceptable Representative'''
| |
| * '''Maximum tolerated dose'''
| |
| * '''Monitoring Report'''
| |
| * '''Multicenter study'''
| |
| * '''Multidisciplinary opinion'''
| |
| * '''Multiplicity'''
| |
| * '''Non-inferiority trial'''
| |
| * '''Nonblinded'''
| |
| * '''Nonclinical Study'''
| |
| * '''Nonrandomized clinical trial'''
| |
| * '''Objective improvement'''
| |
| * '''Objective response'''
| |
| * '''Per protocol set''' (Valid Cases, Efficacy Sample, Evaluable Subjects Sample)
| |
| * '''Phase I/II trial'''
| |
| * '''Phase II/III trial'''
| |
| * '''Placebo therapy'''
| |
| * '''Predictive factor'''
| |
| * '''Prevention trials'''
| |
| * '''Preventive'''
| |
| * '''Primary endpoint'''
| |
| * '''Prospective'''
| |
| * '''Protocol Amendment'''
| |
| * '''Quality Control'''
| |
| * '''Recruitment status'''
| |
| * '''Regulatory Authorities'''
| |
| * '''Retrospective study'''
| |
| * '''Safety & tolerability'''
| |
| * '''Screening trials'''
| |
| * '''Serious Adverse Event'''
| |
| * '''Sham therapy'''
| |
| * '''Source Data'''
| |
| * '''Source Documents'''
| |
| * '''Sponsor-Investigator'''
| |
| * '''Statistical analysis plan'''
| |
| * '''Study type'''
| |
| * '''Subinvestigator'''
| |
| * '''Subject Identification Code'''
| |
| * '''Subject/Trial Subject'''
| |
| * '''Superiority trial'''
| |
| * '''Surrogate variable'''
| |
| * '''Test article'''
| |
| * '''Treatment effect'''
| |
| * '''Treatment emergent'''
| |
| * '''Treatment trials'''
| |
| * '''Trial Site'''
| |
| * '''Trial statistician'''
| |
| * '''Uncontrolled study'''
| |
| * '''Unexpected Adverse Drug Reaction'''
| |
| * '''Vulnerable Subjects'''
| |
| * '''Well-being of the trial subjects'''
| |
| | |
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| [[Category:Concept]]
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