Fiction Film Genre
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A Fiction Film Genre is a film genre that is a fictional story (which encompasses various narrative-driven cinematic categories focusing on fictional stories).
- Context:
- It can (typically) include a broad range of Film Genre Types like Drama Movie, Science Fiction Film, Horror Film, and Fantasy Film.
- It can (often) use Fictional Storytelling to explore Imaginary Scenarios, Emotional Narratives, and Universal Themes.
- It can (often) be used as a tool for Film Escapism, Social Commentary, or Human Condition Exploration.
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- It can range from being a Speculative Film Genre to being a Realistic Film Genre, depending on reality adherence.
- It can range from being a Light-Hearted Film Genre to being a Serious Film Genre, depending on tonal approach.
- It can range from being a Niche Film Genre to being a Mainstream Film Genre, depending on audience reach.
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- It can employ Genre Conventions to shape audience expectations.
- It can incorporate Cross-Genre Elements to create unique narrative experiences.
- It can establish Genre-Specific Visual Styles and Narrative Patterns.
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- Example(s):
- Character-Driven Film Genres, such as:
- Drama Film, exploring emotional depth and personal relationships.
- Coming of Age Film, focusing on personal growth and life transitions.
- Speculative Film Genres, such as:
- Science Fiction Film, examining future possibilities and technological implications.
- Fantasy Film, creating entirely imagined worlds and mythologies.
- Entertainment-Focused Film Genres, such as:
- Blockbuster Film, emphasizing spectacle and mass appeal.
- Cult Classic Film, developing dedicated followings through unique approaches.
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- Character-Driven Film Genres, such as:
- Counter-Example(s):
- Documentary Films, which are based on factual content and real-life events.
- News Broadcasting, which focuses on reporting current events without fictionalization.
- Reality Television, which purportedly shows unscripted real-life situations.
- Educational Films, which primarily aim to inform and instruct rather than tell fictional stories.
- See: Film Genre, Narrative Fiction, Storytelling, Genre Theory, Film Classification, Genre Convention, Film Style, Film Movement, Film History.