Software System Development Team

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A Software System Development Team is a system development team that produces software-based systems.





  • Brendan Murphy, ... Laurie Williams, in The Art and Science of Analyzing Software Data, 2015
    • QUOTE: The challenges facing software engineering teams are complex and are evolving over time. Many teams aim to produce software more frequently without sacrificing quality. These teams may be considering changing their development processes to meet these new challenges. Teams creating products in such a changing and challenging environment can benefit from data to make decisions based on evidence rather than based on intuition. In many cases, software engineers have a tremendous amount of data, and sometimes, they are overloaded with it. However, the challenge is to determine what data is relevant, how it should be analyzed, and how the analysis should be interpreted to guide decision-making.


  • (Pieterse et al., 2006) ⇒ Vreda Pieterse, Derrick G. Kourie, and Inge P. Sonnekus. (2006). “Software Engineering Team Diversity and Performance.” In: Proceedings of the 2006 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on IT research in developing countries, pp. 180-186.
    • QUOTE: Reflection on software engineering as a sub-discipline within computer science reveals that it is as much about people and teamwork as it is about technical expertise. It is therefore important that a software engineer is not only competent in software development but also able to work effectively in a team. Based on the scholarly literature we derived a simple model for team composition and used it to guide, without coercion, our students during team formation. This research reports on an investigation into the role of personality diversity within teams of tertiary students taking a course in software engineering. Data collected confirms that both personality diversity in teams as well as competence of teams impacts positively on team performance. In contrast to other studies, our research data does not seek to couple personality with appropriate role allocation in the team; rather, our measurement is in respect of "raw" team diversity alone. In this study the correlation between personality diversity and the success of teams were captured at different stages during the development of a software engineering project tackled by the teams. The same was done with correlation between competence and team success. The personality diversity of the teams showed a strong correlation with team success during the inception phase. This correlation however weakened during the course of the year while the correlation between competence and success started slightly weaker than personality diversity during the inception phase, but grew very strong towards the completion of the team projects.


  • (Hogan & Thomas, 2005) ⇒ James M. Hogan, and Richard Thomas. (2005). “Developing the Software Engineering Team.” In: Proceedings of the 7th Australasian Conference on Computing Education.
    • ABSTRACT: Teamwork is often considered one of the most important "generic skills" that we can provide to graduates entering the information technology profession. Often though, through the rush of covering important content, we short change our students by giving them limited opportunities to learn how to work effectively in teams. Students also often complain that although they are expected to work in teams on projects, they are never given any advice or guidance on how to work in a team (Hart and Stone, 2002). Or, if they are given guidance, it is often from a business perspective that students find difficult to integrate into their software development practice. In this paper we discuss a course-spanning initiative to help students learn teamwork skills. This initiative starts in first year by emphasising a core set of skills directly related to working in teams. These skills are applied in small software development teams, with close tutor supervision focusing students on teamwork rather than upon individual software development. The theme then continues into second and third year where the growing sophistication of the students' teamwork skills is complemented by increasing their independence and requiring students to apply a professional software engineering process as a development team. By the end of their course students are then in a position to work together effectively solving complex problems for a real industry client.