Creative Endeavour
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A Creative Endeavour is an endeavour that creates original work (to express ideas or solve problems).
- Context:
- It can typically involve Creative Process through ideation methods.
- It can typically require Problem Analysis through solution exploration.
- It can typically produce Creative Output through iterative development.
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- It can often use Creative Tools through creation environments.
- It can often involve Learning Experience through experimentation.
- It can often build Creative Components through iterative refinement.
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- It can range from being a Personal Creation to being a Commercial Creation, depending on its creation scope.
- It can range from being a Hobbyist Endeavour to being a Professional Endeavour, depending on its formality level.
- It can range from being an Artistic Expression to being a Technical Solution, depending on its creative focus.
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- It can integrate with Creative Community for feedback processes.
- It can connect to Resource Platform for creation support.
- It can support Distribution Channel for work sharing.
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- Example(s):
- Technical Creative Endeavours, such as:
- Artistic Creative Endeavours, such as:
- Visual Art Endeavours, such as:
- Performance Art Endeavours, such as:
- Content Creative Endeavours, such as:
- Written Contents, such as:
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- Counter-Example(s):
- Routine Task, which follows established procedures rather than creating original work.
- Mechanical Process, which reproduces existing results rather than creating new output.
- Maintenance Activity, which preserves existing work rather than creating new creations.
- See: Creative Process, Innovation, Problem Solving, Artistic Expression, Technical Creation.