Markov Independence Assumption

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A Markov Independence Assumption is a statistical modeling assumption that every node in a Bayesian network follows a Markov property (that they are conditionally independent of its nondescendents, given its parents).



  • (Wikipedia, 2021) ⇒ Retrieved:2021-5-25.
    • The Markov condition, sometimes called the Markov assumption, is an assumption made in Bayesian probability theory, that every node in a Bayesian network is conditionally independent of its nondescendents, given its parents. Stated loosely, it is assumed that a node has no bearing on nodes which do not descend from it. In a DAG, this local Markov condition is equivalent to the global Markov condition, which states that d-separations in the graph also correspond to conditional independence relations. This also means that a node is conditionally independent of the entire network, given its Markov blanket. The related Causal Markov (CM) condition states that, conditional on the set of all its direct causes, a node is independent of all variables which are not direct causes or direct effects of that node. In the event that the structure of a Bayesian network accurately depicts causality, the two conditions are equivalent. However, a network may accurately embody the Markov condition without depicting causality, in which case it should not be assumed to embody the causal Markov condition.