Code Comment

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a Code Comment is a source code item that is source code documentation (human-readable annotations in the source code).

  • Context:
    • It can (typically) explain the code's functionality, making the source code easier for other programmers to understand.
    • It can (often) be ignored by the compiler or interpreter, meaning it does not affect the execution of the program.
    • It can range from a brief annotation to detailed documentation of complex code logic.
    • It can include metadata such as the author of the code, the date of writing, and the purpose of specific functions or modules.
    • It can be used for inline documentation within codebases.
    • It can be part of a formal Documentation Comment system, used by documentation generators to produce external documentation.
    • It can vary in syntax across different Programming Languages, often signaled by specific symbols or keywords (e.g., //, /* */, #).
    • It can serve as a tool for Code Readability and Software Maintenance, aiding in the understanding and modification of existing code.
    • It can sometimes be used to temporarily disable code, known as "commenting out", for testing or debugging purposes.
    • It can be considered a best practice in Software Development to include meaningful comments where necessary.
    • ...
  • Example(s):
    • An Inline Comment in Python: # This is a comment explaining a variable
    • A Block Comment in Java: /* This is a block comment used to describe a more complex piece of logic. It can span multiple lines. */
    • A Documentation Comment in Java that can be used by Javadoc: /** This is a documentation comment used to describe the functionality of a method, its parameters, and its return value. */
    • ...
  • Counter-Example(s):
    • A Docstring in Python, which is a string that occurs as the first statement in a module, function, class, or method definition and can be accessed programmatically.
    • Machine code comments or annotations, which do not exist because machine code is a set of instructions executed directly by a computer's CPU.
  • See: Source Code Item, Compiler, Interpreter, Documentation Comment, Software Development, Code Readability, Software Maintenance.