Binary Dataset
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A Binary Dataset is a dataset composed of binary tuples.
- AKA: Binary Data, Boolean Data.
- Context(s):
- It can (typically) be a Binary File.
- It can range from being a Correlated Binary Data to being an Uncorrelated Binary Dataset.
- …
- Example(s):
- Counter-Example(s):
- Non-Binary Dataset, such as a text dataset.
- See: Transaction Data.
- (Baldi et al., 2000) ⇒ Pierre Baldi, Søren Brunak, Yves Chauvin, Claus AF Andersen, and Henrik Nielsen. (2000). “Assessing the Accuracy of Prediction Algorithms for Classification: An Overview." Bioinformatics 16, no. 5
- QUOTE: … [math]\displaystyle{ H (D, M) = N ∑_{i=1} [d_i \log d_i m_i + (1 − d_i) \log (1 − d_i) (1 − m_i) ] }[/math]. (16) This is just the [sum of]] the relative entropies at each position i. This form, of course, works perfectly well on non-binary data (for example binding affinities), or when D alone is binary. …
- (Wikipedia, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-8-9.
- Binary data is data whose unit can take on only two possible states, traditionally termed 0 and +1 in accordance with the binary numeral system and Boolean algebra. Forms and interpretations of binary data come in different technical and scientific fields. Such two-valued unit can be termed:
- “bit” (binary digit) in computer science,
- “truth value” in mathematical logic and related domains,
- “binary variable” in statistics.
- Binary data is data whose unit can take on only two possible states, traditionally termed 0 and +1 in accordance with the binary numeral system and Boolean algebra. Forms and interpretations of binary data come in different technical and scientific fields. Such two-valued unit can be termed: