Binary Classification Performance Measure
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A Binary Classification Performance Measure is a classification performance measure for a binary classification task.
- Context:
- …
- Example(s):
- for Boolean Classification Tasks,
- False Positive Error Rate: FP / (TN + FP).
- False Discovery Rate: FP / (TP + FN).
- False Negative Error Rate: FP / (TP + FP).
- True Positive Success Rate: TP / (TP + FN).
- True Negative Rate: TN / (TN + FP).
- for Confidence Score Producing Tasks:
- …
- for Boolean Classification Tasks,
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Accuracy, Predictive Relation, Confusion Matrix, Statistical Test.
- Eric W. Weisstein. “Statistical Test." From MathWorld -- A Wolfram Web Resource.
- QUOTE: A test used to determine the statistical significance of an observation. Two main types of error can occur:
- 1. A type I error occurs when a false negative result is obtained in terms of the null hypothesis by obtaining a false positive measurement.
- 2. A type II error occurs when a false positive result is obtained in terms of the null hypothesis by obtaining a false negative measurement.
- The probability that a statistical test will be positive for a true statistic is sometimes called the test's sensitivity, and the probability that a test will be negative for a negative statistic is sometimes called the specificity. The following table summarizes the names given to the various combinations of the actual state of affairs and observed test results.
- result name
- true positive result sensitivity
- false negative result 1-sensitivity
- true negative result specificity
- false positive result 1-specificity
- QUOTE: A test used to determine the statistical significance of an observation. Two main types of error can occur: