Analysis Action
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An Analysis Action is a cognitive act that instantiates an analysis task (to decompose phenomena into components and generate understanding) within an analysis session.
- AKA: Analytical Activity, Analysis Operation, Analytical Act.
- Context:
- Action Input: phenomena, data, systems, processes
- Action Output: insights, findings, recommendations, understanding
- Action Performance Measure: accuracy, completeness, efficiency, effectiveness
- Action Duration: instant, timespan, recurring
- Action Sequencing: sequential, parallel, conditional
- Action State: initiated, in-progress, completed, failed
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- It can typically require Analysis Method for systematic decomposition and component examination.
- It can typically generate Analysis Findings through evidence evaluation and pattern recognition.
- It can typically support Knowledge Creation through component understanding and relationship discovery.
- It can typically enable Decision Support through option analysis and impact assessment.
- It can typically facilitate Problem Resolution through cause identification and solution development.
- It can typically require Session Resources through compute allocation and memory usage.
- It can typically maintain Action Context through session state and execution environment.
- It can typically handle Session Constraints through resource limits and timing requirements.
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- It can often need Documentation Processes through finding recording and insight capture.
- It can often include Verification Tasks through result validation and conclusion testing.
- It can often perform Quality Control through standard comparison and deviation detection.
- It can often require Tool Usage through analysis software and analytical instruments.
- It can often involve Collaboration through expert consultation and peer review.
- It can often trigger Related Actions through dependency chains and workflow rules.
- It can often share Intermediate Results with other Session Actions.
- It can often coordinate with Parallel Actions through synchronization mechanisms.
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- It can range from being a Direct Analysis Act to being a Meta Analysis Act, depending on its analysis level.
- It can range from being a Deductive Analysis Act to being an Inductive Analysis Act, depending on its reasoning approach.
- It can range from being a Logical Analysis Act to being a Statistical Analysis Act, depending on its method type.
- It can range from being an Exact Analysis Act to being an Approximate Analysis Act, depending on its precision need.
- It can range from being a Simple Analysis Act to being a Complex Analysis Act, depending on its complexity level.
- It can range from being a Manual Analysis Act to being an Automated Analysis Act, depending on its execution mode.
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- Examples:
- Technical Analysis Acts, such as:
- Data Analysis Acts, such as:
- Program Analysis Acts, such as:
- Diagnostic Analysis Acts, such as:
- Domain Analysis Acts, such as:
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- Technical Analysis Acts, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Synthesis Act, which combines components rather than decomposing them.
- Implementation Act, which applies analysis findings rather than generating them.
- Planning Act, which organizes future actions rather than examining current states.
- Creation Act, which generates new artifacts rather than analyzing existing ones.
- Execution Act, which performs planned actions rather than analyzing situations.
- See: Analysis Task, Analysis Method, Analysis Process, Analysis Result, Analysis Tool, Analysis Technique, Analysis Strategy, Analysis Framework.