Extraterrestrial Civilization

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An Extraterrestrial Civilization is an extraterrestrial life that is a civilization (composed of extraterrestial intelligences).



  • https://phys.org/news/2018-11-astronomer-jill-tarter-discusses-intelligent.html
    • QUOTE: ... if they can get here, their technology is far more advanced than ours, and I don't know how you get to be an advanced older technology and have a long history unless you outgrow the aggression that probably helped you to get smart in the first place. ... if they are coming from an older technology and can get here, they don't have bad intentions. It doesn't mean that the interaction will be rosy, because there are often unintended consequences. …


  • http://www.wired.co.uk/article/neil-degrasse-tyson-intelligent-alien-life
    • QUOTE: Neil DeGrasse Tyson, who was among the guests at the Starmus conference in Tenerife, Spain, said he remained pessimistic about humanity making contact with intelligent alien life, arguing our relative lack of intelligence could either be bad news for discovery or allow us to exist in blissful ignorance. …

      … But Tyson said the likelihood of that happening were low. “A sufficiently intelligent civilisation would have positively no interest in us at all," he said. “In the same way as when you’re walking down a street and there’s a worm there.”. And even if you wanted to kill all the worms, he continued, you’d soon get bored and do something else. … “The microbes in our lower gut would think of humans as dark, anaerobic pockets of faecal matter in the service of their life. That’s the purpose of human life to them.” …

      Tyson also argued the tiny genetic difference between a human and a chimp made it likely alien intelligence, if it does exist, is already way beyond our on. “We would not be able to comprehend their simplest of thoughts any more than a chimp can understand …