Zapier Workflow Automation Platform

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A Zapier Workflow Automation Platform is a semi-automated workflow management platform for building Zapier-support workflow systems.

  • Context:
    • It can (often) enable users to create Zap Workflow (Zaps)s, which are automated workflows triggered by specific events in one application that result in actions in another.
    • It can (often) be composed of Zapier Workflow Components, including triggers, actions, and filters, allowing users to define the precise conditions under which workflows are executed.
  • Example(s):
    • 2011: The Initial Prototype of Zapier was built in just two days, marking the platform's inception. This early version won the first annual Columbia Startup Weekend, sparking interest in the potential of no-code automation.
    • 2012: Y Combinator Acceptance - After refining their platform, Zapier was accepted into the Y Combinator startup accelerator, which provided critical funding and support, leading to the first public release of Zapier.
    • 2016: Zapier Reaches 1 Million Users - On May 5, 2016, Zapier announced that over 1 million users were using the platform, a significant milestone that demonstrated its growing popularity and the increasing adoption of no-code automation.
    • 2020: COVID-19 Response and Expansion - Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Zapier set up a $1 million small business assistance fund, further solidifying its role as a crucial tool for businesses worldwide. By April 2020, Zapier had grown to 3 million users.
    • 2021: Acquisition of Makerpad - Zapier acquired Makerpad, a no-code education service, marking its first major acquisition and highlighting its commitment to expanding the no-code movement.
    • 2021: Valuation Hits $5 Billion - Sequoia Capital and Steadfast Financial purchased shares, valuing the company at $5 billion, underscoring Zapier's rapid growth and success.
    • 2022: Introduction of Zapier Interfaces and Tables - Zapier launched new features like Interfaces and Tables, which expanded the platform's capabilities, allowing users to build even more complex workflows without coding.
    • ...
  • Counter-Example(s):
  • See: Web-Based Service.



  • HTTP://
    • Q: How are systems such as Apache Airflow and Zapier different?
    • A: Zapier, on the other hand, is a cloud-based platform that allows users to automate workflows between different web-based applications and services. It provides a simple, visual interface for building and managing workflows, called "zaps," which are triggered by specific events or actions in one application and result in specific actions being taken in another application. Zapier supports a wide range of integrations with popular web-based applications and services, making it easy for users to automate common tasks and processes across multiple platforms.


  • HTTP://
    • Q: Can Zapier workflow management platform create a workflow configuration file?
    • A: Zapier is a cloud-based automation platform that allows you to connect different web apps and automate workflows between them. However, it does not use a configuration file to define workflows. Instead, workflows in Zapier are created using a visual interface in which you can specify the trigger and actions for the workflow.

      In Zapier, a workflow is called a "Zap," and it consists of a trigger and one or more actions. The trigger is an event that initiates the workflow, and the actions are the tasks that are performed as a result of the trigger. For example, you could create a Zap that sends an email when a new row is added to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. In this case, the trigger would be the event of a new row being added to the spreadsheet, and the action would be sending an email.

      While Zapier does not use a configuration file to define workflows, it does provide tools for managing and monitoring your Zaps, including options for scheduling, error handling, and collaboration.