Video Game Aggro

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A Video Game Aggro is an MMORPG mechanism that is the act of generating hate from non-player characters.



  • (Wikipedia, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-5-26.
    • Hate (also threat or aggro) is a mechanism used in many MMORPGs, as well as in some RPGs, by which mobs prioritize which characters to attack. The player who generates the most hate on a mob will be preferentially attacked by that mob. The act of initiating such situation is called "getting aggro" or "pulling aggro."

      The character with the highest amount of hate relative to his allies has aggro. The threat list or threat table is the ordering of players by the amount of hate they have generated. Some mobs have fight mechanics that will ignore hate completely, change which player has aggro despite hate, or periodically reset the threat list, resetting all hate to 0.


  • (Giant Bomb, 2014) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-8-03.
    • QUOTE: Aggro (also commonly spelled 'Agro') is a term used to describe the act of getting the attention of an NPC. This term is associated with role-playing games in which there are no random battles, but instead the enemy monsters are visible on the field. When the monster "agros" to a player, it notices that player and changes behavior. Generally, this is in the form of attacking.