Human-Computer Interaction Task

(Redirected from User Interaction)

A Human-Computer Interaction Task is an agent interaction task that involves a human-computer interaction-based system/interactable system and an end-user.





  1. Card, Stuart K.; Thomas P. Moran; Allen Newell (July 1980). “The keystroke-level model for user performance time with interactive systems". Communications of the ACM. 23 (7): 396–410. doi:10.1145/358886.358895.
  2. Carlisle, James H. (June 1976). “Evaluating the impact of office automation on top management communication". Proceedings of the June 7–10, 1976, National Computer Conference and Exposition. pp. 611–616. doi:10.1145/1499799.1499885. Use of 'human-computer interaction' appears in references"