U.S. Median Household Income

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A U.S. Median Household Income is a Median Household Income for a U.S. household income.



  • David Leonhardt. (2015). “The Great 21st-Century Wage Slowdown." The Upshot. JAN. 17, 2015
    • FIGURE: Change in inflation-adjusted median family income, over previous 15 years
    • QUOTE: ... There is little modern precedent for a period of income stagnation lasting as long as this one. ... The great wage slowdown has several main causes: globalization, which has forced Americans to compete with hundreds of millions of poorer workers from around the world; technological change, which allows machines to replace human labor in new ways; the slowdown in American educational attainment, even as the rest of the world has continued to become more educated and more highly skilled; and the shifting balance of economic power, away from workers and toward companies and their executives.


Percentile 2011 2009 2006 2003 2000 1997 1994 1991 1988
20th $20,262 $21,446 $22,349 $21,992 $23,404 $21,517 $20,148 $20,227 $20,794
50th $50,054 $52,195 $53,768 $52,973 $54,841 $51,704 $48,418 $48,516 $49,737
80th $101,582 $104,857 $108,239 $106,228 $106,790 $99,900 $94,304 $91,407 $92,427
95th $186,000 $188,744 $194,111 $188,470 $189,665 $176,817 $164,806 $155,246 $156,454
Percentile 1985 1982 1979 1976 1973 1970 1967 Per Year
20th $19,816 $18,798 $20,211 $19,426 $19,895 $19,063 $17,663 .12%
50th $47,079 $45,139 $47,527 $45,595 NA NA NA .27%
80th $86,867 $81,456 $83,730 $79,322 $81,498 $75,783 $69,710 .71%
95th $143,530 $134,461 $135,296 $125,794 $130,989 $119,792 $111,866 1.12%