Data Item Attribute
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A Data Item Attribute is an entity attribute of a data item.
- AKA: Data Property.
- Context:
- It can range from being a Populated Data Attribute to being an Unpopulated Data Attribute.
- It can range from being a Data Record Attribute to being a Program Object Attribute.
- It can range from being a Categorical Data Attribute to being an Ordinal Data Attribute to being a Numerical Data Attribute.
- It can be associated to a Metadata Record.
- It can be associated with one or more Data Attribute Values.
- It can be shared by other data items in a Data Item Set.
- …
- Example(s):
- a Data Record Attribute, such as the color in
{color {red}}
. - a Text Attribute.
- …
- a Data Record Attribute, such as the color in
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Metadata Attribute, Data Object, Class, Array Data Structure, Decimal Number.
- (Wikipedia, 2017) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-6-26.
- In computing, an attribute is a specification that defines a property of an object, element, or file. It may also refer to or set the specific value for a given instance of such. For clarity, attributes should more correctly be considered metadata. An attribute is frequently and generally a property of a property. However, in actual usage, the term attribute can and is often treated as equivalent to a property depending on the technology being discussed. An attribute of an object usually consists of a name and a value; of an element, a type or class name; of a file, a name and extension.
- Each named attribute has an associated set of rules called operations: one doesn't sum characters or manipulate and process an integer array as an image object— one doesn't process text as type floating point (decimal numbers).
- It follows that an object definition can be extended by imposing data typing: a representation format, a default value, and legal operations (rules) and restrictions ("Division by zero is not to be tolerated!") are all potentially involved in defining an attribute, or conversely, may be spoken of as attributes of that object's type. A JPEG file is not decoded by the same operations (however similar they may be—these are all graphics data formats) as a PNG or BMP file, nor is a floating point typed number operated upon by the rules applied to typed long integers.
- For example, in computer graphics, line objects can have attributes such as thickness (with real values), color (with descriptive values such as brown or green or values defined in a certain color model, such as RGB), dashing attributes, etc. A circle object can be defined in similar attributes plus an origin and radius.
- In computing, an attribute is a specification that defines a property of an object, element, or file. It may also refer to or set the specific value for a given instance of such. For clarity, attributes should more correctly be considered metadata. An attribute is frequently and generally a property of a property. However, in actual usage, the term attribute can and is often treated as equivalent to a property depending on the technology being discussed. An attribute of an object usually consists of a name and a value; of an element, a type or class name; of a file, a name and extension.
- (Parrish, 2016) ⇒ Chapter: "4 Basic Object-Oriented Concepts", published by Griffin Parrish. Retrieved on 2017-05-15 from
- QUOTE: Slide 7. Attributes of a Class - An attribute is a piece of information that needs to be known about the objects in a class. Each object might a have different value for an attribute. E.g. one dog is named Fido, the other is named Bowser. Attribute values are part of what an object “knows” when you use the “object think” approach. Attributes of a class of objects are equivalent to attributes of a data entity type. An attribute can also be one of several data types. – Boolean, floating point, character, data structure, etc.
- (GRC Data Intelligence, 2017) ⇒ "Attribute", Data Quality Glossary - A free resource from GRC Data Intelligence. Retrieved on 2017-05-14 from
- QUOTE: Attribute - Describes the value found in each field in a table. Every field or column in a database table represents a single attribute of that table. (An attribute is what the data in that field represents, while the value is the actual data that a specific field contains.
See also: Value.
[Category=Database Management]
Source: Northwest Database Services, 05 November 2009 13:27:52,
- QUOTE: Attribute - Describes the value found in each field in a table. Every field or column in a database table represents a single attribute of that table. (An attribute is what the data in that field represents, while the value is the actual data that a specific field contains.
- (Wikipedia, 2017) ⇒
- Objects in an ontology can be described by relating them to other things, typically aspects or parts. These related things are often called attributes, although they may be independent things. Each attribute can be a class or an individual. The kind of object and the kind of attribute determine the kind of relation between them. A relation between an object and an attribute express a fact that is specific to the object to which it is related. For example the Ford Explorer object has attributes such as:
- <has as name> Ford Explorer
- <has by definition as part> door (with as minimum and maximum cardinality: 4)
- <has by definition as part one of> {4.0L engine, 4.6L engine}
- <has by definition as part> 6-speed transmission
- Objects in an ontology can be described by relating them to other things, typically aspects or parts. These related things are often called attributes, although they may be independent things. Each attribute can be a class or an individual. The kind of object and the kind of attribute determine the kind of relation between them. A relation between an object and an attribute express a fact that is specific to the object to which it is related. For example the Ford Explorer object has attributes such as:
- The value of an attribute can be a complex data type; in this example, the related engine can only be one of a list of subtypes of engines, not just a single thing.
- (Memidex Dictionary, 2017) ⇒ attribute (abstraction). (n.d.). In Memidex Dictionary/Thesaurus. Retrieved May 14, 2017, from
- QUOTE: an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity.
- (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2017) ⇒ Attribute. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2017, from
- QUOTE: Definition of attribute
- 1 : a quality, character, or characteristic ascribed to someone or something (...)
- 2 : an object closely associated with or belonging to a specific person, thing, or office (...)
- QUOTE: Definition of attribute
- (Loftsson, 2010) ⇒ Loftsson, H., Rögnvaldsson, E., & Helgadóttir, S. (2010). Advances in Natural Language Processing. In 7th International Conference on NLP. [1]
- QUOTE: (p.g 165): 'S: (n) attribute (an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity).
- (Richters, 2002) ⇒ Richters, M. (2002). A precise approach to validating UML models and OCL constraints. Logos.[2]
- QUOTE: Attributes are part of a class declaration in UML. Objects are associated with attribute values describing properties of the object. An attribute has a name and a type specifying the domain of attribute values.
- (Kohavi & Provost, 1998) ⇒ Ron Kohavi, and Foster Provost. (1998). “Glossary of Terms.” In: Machine Leanring 30(2-3).
- Attribute (field, variable, feature): A quantity describing an instance. An attribute has a domain defined by the attribute type, which denotes the values that can be taken by an attribute. The following domain types are common:
- Dimension: An attribute or several attributes that together describe a property. For example, a geographical dimension might consist of three attributes: country, state, city. A time dimension might include 5 attributes: year, month, day, hour, minute.