Technological Invention
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A Technological Invention is an invention that is a technology (that allows an intelligent agent to do more with fewer resources).
- Context:
- It can range from being Unimpactful Technological Invention to being an Impactful Technological Invention.
- ...
- It can be a Productivity Enhancing Technology.
- It can be presaged by a Technological Innovation Prediction.
- It can lead to Technological Unemployment.
- It can be associated with Technological Change Process.
- It can be associated with Technological Progress.
- ...
- Example(s):
- Pre-Industrial Technological Inventions:
- Industrial Revolution Technological Inventions:
- 20th Century Technological Inventions:
- Telephone Invention (of telephones).
- Television Invention (of televisions).
- Airplane Invention (of airplanes).
- Penicillin Invention (of penicillin).
- Nuclear Energy Invention (of nuclear energy).
- Digital Age Inventions, such as:
- Personal Computer Invention (of personal computers).
- Internet Invention (of Internet).
- Email Invention (of email).
- WWW Invention (of WWW).
- Wiki Invention (of wikis).
- Smartphone Invention (of smartphones).
- Emerging Technology Invention, such as:
- 3D Printer Invention (of 3D printers).
- Blockchain Invention (of blockchain technology).
- CRISPR Invention (of CRISPR gene editing).
- Quantum Computing Invention (of quantum computing).
- Financial and Legal Technological Inventions:
- Artificial Intelligence Inventions (of artificial intelligence technologies), such as:
- Artificial Neural Network Invention (of artificial neural networks).
- Backpropagation Invention (of backpropagation algorithm for training neural networks).
- Expert System Invention (of expert systems).
- Speech Recognition Invention (of speech recognition technology).
- Machine Translation Invention (of machine translation systems).
- Genetic Algorithm Invention (of genetic algorithms).
- Deep Learning Invention (of deep learning neural networks).
- Reinforcement Learning Invention (of reinforcement learning algorithms).
- Generative Adversarial Network Invention (of generative adversarial networks).
- Large Language Model Invention (of large language models like GPT-3).
- …
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Process, Capital-Augmenting Technology, Harrod-Neutral, Technological Utopianism.
- QUOTE: Fast-forward to today, the time between when a new technology is introduced and when it’s completely changed the world has continued to shrink at a fast rate. It’s now probably five to seven years between when a new technology is introduced and when it really has changed society in a fundamental way. If the world is now changing faster than we can accommodate, it causes a huge incremental level of anxiety for society at large.
- (Wikipedia, 2013) ⇒ Retrieved:2013-11-30.
- The creation of something new, or a "breakthrough" technology. For example, a personal computer.
- (Nelson & Pack, 1999) ⇒ Richard R. Nelson, and Howard Pack. (1999). “The Asian miracle and modern growth theory.” In: The Economic Journal, 109(457).
- QUOTE: ... technological advance from the contribution to growth made by advancing technology without ... is that σ was low and had ®rms been locked into technology they already ... Q f (K, mL) in which m represents Harrod-neutral, (strictly labour augmenting) technological advance. ...
- (Bernard & Jones, 1996) ⇒ Andrew B. Bernard, and Charles I. Jones. (1996). “Technology and convergence." The Economic Journal.
- QUOTE: ... To the extent that the adoption and accumulation of technologies is important for convergence, the empirical ... Accumulation takes place in both capital and labour-augmenting technology. ... For the growth rate of technology in country i, we make the simplest assumption possible ...