Synonymy Relation
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A Synonymy Relation is a word sense relation that indicates whether the two word senses (synonyms) represent near identity.
- AKA: Synonym-of, Sameness.
- Context:
- It can (typically) require Context Information.
- It can range from being an Exact Synonym Relation to being a Near-Synonym,
- It can be recognized by a Synonym Recognition System (that solves a synonym recognition task).
- It can be associated with a Template Sentence that illustrates a case where Sentence Implication is unchanged when the Words are exchanged,
such as: “He called his X”: “The Canadian called his [lawyer]." <=> "The Canadian called his [attorney]”. - It can be associated to a Synonym Set.
- Example(s):
- Synonym Relation(LUKEWARM, CHILLY) ⇒ False.
- Synonym Relation(LUKEWARM_1, TEPID_1) ⇒ True.
- Synonym Relation(LUKEWARM_2, ?) ⇒ indifferent, unenthusiastic.
- Synonym Relation(LUKEWARM_3, ?) ⇒ halfhearted, unenthusiastic .
- Synonym Relation(ATTORNEY, LAWYER) ⇒ True, although the word 'attorney' is more typical in American English.
- Named Entity Synonym Relation("Melli, Gabor", "Gabor Melli").
- …
- Counter-Example(s):
- an Antonym Relation, such as [math]\displaystyle{ f }[/math](lukewarm, chilly) ⇒ True.
- a Hyponym-of Relatin.
- See: Polysemy Relation, Semantics, Thesaurus, Synonym Extraction.
- (WordNet, 2009) ⇒
- S: (n) synonymy, synonymity, synonymousness (the semantic relation that holds between two words that can (in a given context) express the same meaning)
- (WordNet, 2009) ⇒
- S: (n) synonym, equivalent word (two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context)
- Noun
- 1. (semantics) The quality of being synonymous; sameness of meaning.
- 2. A list or collection of synonyms, often compared and contrasted.
- 3. The study of synonyms.
- 4. A system of synonyms.
- 5. (botany) The collective synonyms (all the names referring to a particular taxon, except the correct name)
- 6. (botany) The state of not being a correct name, of being a synonym. In 1924 this name was reduced to synonymy.
- 7. (zoology) The collective synonyms (all the names referring to the same taxon, including the correct name)
- Noun
- (Wikipedia, 2009) ⇒
- (Dextre Clarke et al., 2008) ⇒ Stella Dextre Clarke, Alan Gilchrist, Ron Davies and Leonard Will. (2008). “Glossary of Terms Relating to Thesauri and Other Forms of Structured Vocabulary for Information Retrieval." Willpower Information
- synonym
- one of two or more terms whose meanings are considered to be the same in a wide range of contexts
- Abbreviations and their full forms may be treated as synonyms. e.g. HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; guarantees, warranties --- -
- synonym
- (ANSI Z39.19, 2005) ⇒ ANSI. (2005). “ANSI/NISO Z39.19 - Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies." ANSI.
- QUOTE: "synonym A word or term having exactly or very nearly the same meaning as another word or term.