State of Positive Human Well-Being
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A State of Positive Human Well-Being is a state of being that is a positive state as measured by a wellbeing measure.
- Context:
- It can (typically) reflect high levels of emotional, mental, and physical health in an individual.
- It can (often) include states such as Happiness, Laughter, and Contentment, which contribute to a person's overall satisfaction with life.
- It can range from being a temporary emotional state, such as Joy, to a more persistent condition like Flourishing or Self-Actualization.
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- Example(s):
- a State of Happiness, where an individual experiences joy and satisfaction in their life, often as a result of achieving personal goals, enjoying meaningful relationships, or engaging in activities that bring pleasure. Happiness can be momentary, such as feeling good after a compliment, or long-lasting, as seen in people with high life satisfaction.
- a State of Laughter, characterized by spontaneous and involuntary physical and emotional expression, often in response to humor or joy. Laughter promotes social bonding, reduces stress, and is a marker of positive emotions. It can occur in social settings like a party or as a personal release in a moment of joy.
- a State of Contentment, where a person feels a deep sense of satisfaction and peace, usually from accepting one’s current situation. Unlike the fleeting nature of happiness, contentment is a more stable and enduring state, often associated with appreciating what one has, irrespective of circumstances.
- a State of Thriving, which reflects optimal functioning across multiple domains of life, including emotional, physical, and social well-being. Thriving is marked by growth, resilience, and fulfillment, often experienced by people who feel empowered and supported in their environments.
- a State of Joy, which represents a high-energy emotional state, usually triggered by a specific positive event such as accomplishing a significant goal, reuniting with loved ones, or achieving a major milestone. Joy can be intense but brief, often leaving a lasting impact on one's overall sense of well-being.
- a State of Euphoria, characterized by an overwhelming sense of well-being and happiness, often accompanied by physical sensations of pleasure. This state can occur naturally, such as through exercise (e.g., the “runner’s high”), or be artificially induced. Euphoria can vary from mild to intense and is typically short-lived, though its effects can be profound in creating lasting positive memories.
- a State of Gratitude, where individuals feel a deep appreciation for positive aspects of their life, including relationships, experiences, or material possessions. Gratitude is often accompanied by feelings of warmth and social connection, leading to increased life satisfaction and mental health.
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- Counter-Example(s):
- State of Anxiety, which is characterized by negative emotions and a sense of distress or unease.
- State of Depression, a prolonged condition marked by persistent sadness and lack of motivation.
- State of Apathy, where a person experiences a lack of interest or enthusiasm in life.
- State of Burnout, a condition of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion due to prolonged stress and overwork.
- a State of Negative Human Well-Being.
- a Human Society Well-Being.
- a Bee Society Well-Being.
- a Thriving Economy.
- a Failed Market.
- a Well-Functioning Machine.
- See: Thriving, Quality of Life, Psychology, Happiness Economics, Cognate, Happiness, Physical Fitness, Physical Health, Concern.
- (Wikipedia, 2020) ⇒ Retrieved:2020-3-17.
- Well-being, wellbeing, or wellness is the condition of an individual or group. A high level of well-being means that in some sense the individual's or group's condition is positive. According to Naci and Ioannidis, "Wellness refers to diverse and interconnected dimensions of physical, mental, and social well-being that extend beyond the traditional definition of health. It includes choices and activities aimed at achieving physical vitality, mental alacrity, social satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, and personal fulfillment". [1]
- ↑ Scott Barry Kaufman sees well-being as influenced by happiness and meaning.