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List of results
- 2007 TopicsinSemanticRepresentation + (Topics in Semantic Representation.)
- 2004 TopicsInStatisticalDataAnalysis + (Topics in Statistical Data Analysis: Revealing Facts From Data)
- 2007 ToponymResolutionInTextPhD + (Toponym Resolution in Text: Annotation, Evaluation and Applications of Spatial Grounding of Place Names)
- 2012 TowardAutomatedDefinitionAcquis + (Toward Automated Definition Acquisition From Operations Law)
- 2009 TowardAutonomicGridsAnalyzingth + (Toward Autonomic Grids: Analyzing the Job Flow with Affinity Streaming)
- 2017 TowardBetterInteractionsinRecom + (Toward Better Interactions in Recommender Systems: Cycling and Serpentining Approaches for Top-N Item Lists)
- 2003 TowardConditionalModelsofIdenti + (Toward Conditional Models of Identity Uncertainty with Application to Proper Noun Coreference)
- 2017 TowardControlledGenerationofTex + (Toward Controlled Generation of Text)
- 2008 TowardHumanLevelMachineIntellig + (Toward Human Level Machine Intelligence - Is It Achievable? The Need for a Paradigm Shift)
- 2011 TowardPersonalizedCareManagemen + (Toward Personalized Care Management of Patients at Risk: The Diabetes Case Study)
- 2010 TowardsPortablaInformationExtraction + (Toward Portable Information Extraction)
- 2022 TowardUnifyingTextSegmentationa + (Toward Unifying Text Segmentation and Long Document Summarization)
- 2017 TowardaBanonLethalAutonomousWea + (Toward a Ban on Lethal Autonomous Weapons: Surmounting the Obstacles)
- 2002 TowardAMethodOfSelAmongCompuModelsOfCog + (Toward a Method of Selecting Among Computational Models of Cognition)
- 2010 TowardAnArchForNeverEndLangLearn + (Toward an Architecture for Never-Ending Language Learning)
- 2015 TowardsAICompleteQuestionAnswer + (Towards AI-complete Question Answering: A Set of Prerequisite Toy Tasks)
- 2010 TowardsAnnotatingAndExtrTexLegCasElements + (Towards Annotating and Extracting Textual Legal Case Elements)
- 2002 TowardsAnswerExtraction + (Towards Answer Extraction: An application to technical domains)
- 1999 TowardsAppropIndicOfJournalImpact + (Towards Appropriate Indicators of Journal Impact)
- 1975 TowardsAutomaticIndexing + (Towards Automatic Indexing: Automatic assignment of controlled-language indexing and classification from free indexing)
- 2010 TowardsAutomaticPersonalizedCon + (Towards Automatic Personalized Content Generation for Platform Games)
- 2002 TowardsBestPracticeForMWEinCompLex + (Towards Best Practice for Multiword Expressions in Computational Lexicons)
- 2011 TowardsBoundingSequentialPatter + (Towards Bounding Sequential Patterns)
- 2009 TowardsCombiningWebClassificati + (Towards Combining Web Classification and Web Information Extraction: A Case Study)
- 2015 TowardsDecisionSupportandGoalAc + (Towards Decision Support and Goal Achievement: Identifying Action-Outcome Relationships From Social Media)
- 2018 TowardsDeepLearningModelsResist + (Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks)
- 2009 TowardsEfficientMiningofProport + (Towards Efficient Mining of Proportional Fault-tolerant Frequent Itemsets)
- 2014 TowardsEndToEndSpeechRecognitio + (Towards End-To-End Speech Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks.)
- 2023 TowardsExpertLevelMedicalQuesti + (Towards Expert-Level Medical Question Answering with Large Language Models)
- 2021 TowardsGeneralPurposeVisionSyst + (Towards General Purpose Vision Systems)
- 2012 TowardsHeterogeneousTemporalCli + (Towards Heterogeneous Temporal Clinical Event Pattern Discovery: A Convolutional Approach)
- 2015 TowardsImprovingDialogueTopicTr + (Towards Improving Dialogue Topic Tracking Performances with Wikification of Concept Mentions)
- 2015 TowardsInteractiveConstructiono + (Towards Interactive Construction of Topical Hierarchy: A Recursive Tensor Decomposition Approach)
- 2005 TowardsLargeScaleOpenDomOntolBasedNEClassif + (Towards Large-scale, Open-domain and Ontology-based Named Entity Classification)
- 2009 TowardsLinguisticallyGroundedOntologies + (Towards Linguistically Grounded Ontologies)
- 2013 TowardsLongLeadForecastingofExt + (Towards Long-lead Forecasting of Extreme Flood Events: A Data Mining Framework for Precipitation Cluster Precursors Identification)
- 2010 TowardsMobilitybasedClustering + (Towards Mobility-based Clustering)
- 2003 TowardsMonitoringOrientedProgra + (Towards Monitoring-oriented Programming: A Paradigm Combining Specification and Implementation)
- 2013 TowardsNeverEndingLearningfromT + (Towards Never-ending Learning from Time Series Streams)
- 2007 TowardsRobustUnsupPersonalNameDisambig + (Towards Robust Unsupervised Personal Name Disambiguation)
- 2014 TowardsScalableCriticalAlertMin + (Towards Scalable Critical Alert Mining)
- 2012 TowardsSocialUserProfilingUnifi + (Towards Social User Profiling: Unified and Discriminative Influence Model for Inferring Home Locations)
- 2004 TowardsTerascaleKnowledgeAcquisition + (Towards Terascale Knowledge Acquisition)
- 2019 TowardsUnlockingtheNarrativeoft + (Towards Unlocking the Narrative of the United States Income Tax Forms)
- 2005 TowardsSemanticWebForBioinformaticsUsingOntoBasedAnnotation + (Towards a Semantic Web for Bioinformatics using Ontology-based Annotation)
- 2004 TowardsASemanticWikiWikiWeb + (Towards a Semantic Wiki Wiki Web)
- 2001 TowardsaStandardUpperOntology + (Towards a Standard Upper Ontology)
- 2003 TowardsaTheoryofNaturalLanguage + (Towards a Theory of Natural Language Interfaces to Databases)
- 2009 TowardsaUniversalMarketplaceove + (Towards a Universal Marketplace over the Web: Statistical Multi-label Classification of Service Provider Forms with Simulated Annealing)
- 2003 TowardsAnIntegDesOfProduProcAndSupChain + (Towards an Integrated Description of Product, Process and Supply Chain)
- 2013 TowardstheMachineComprehensiono + (Towards the Machine Comprehension of Text: An Essay)