Shortest Common Supersequence Matching Task

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A Shortest Common Supersequence Matching Task is a String Matching Task that is required to locate a Shortest Common Supersequence.



    • QUOTE: In computer science, the shortest common supersequence problem is a problem closely related to the longest common subsequence problem. Given two sequences X = < x1,...,xm > and Y = < y1,...,yn >, a sequence U = < u1,...,uk > is a common supersequence of X and Y if U is a supersequence of both X and Y. In other words, the shortest common supersequence between strings x and y is the shortest string z such that both x and y are subsequences of z.

      The shortest common supersequence (scs) is a common supersequence of minimal length. In the shortest common supersequence problem, the two sequences X and Y are given and the task is to find a shortest possible common supersequence of these sequences. In general, the scs is not unique.

      For two input sequences, an scs can be formed from an lcs easily. For example, if X[math]\displaystyle{ [1..m] = abcbdab }[/math] and Y[math]\displaystyle{ [1..n] = bdcaba }[/math], the lcs is Z[math]\displaystyle{ [1..r] = bcba }[/math]. By inserting the non-lcs symbols while preserving the symbol order, we get the scs: U[math]\displaystyle{ [1..t] = abdcabdab }[/math].

      It is quite clear that [math]\displaystyle{ r + t = m + n }[/math] for two input sequences. However, for three or more input sequences this does not hold. Note also, that the lcs and the scs problems are not dual problems.