Semantic Graph Database

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A Semantic Graph Database is a knowledge base that is a graph dataset.



  1. John F. Sowa (1987). "Semantic Networks". In Stuart C Shapiro (ed.). Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved 29 April 2008.
  2. Poon, Hoifung, and Pedro Domingos. “Unsupervised semantic parsing." Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Volume 1-Volume 1. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2009.
  3. Sussna, Michael. “Word sense disambiguation for free-text indexing using a massive semantic network." Proceedings of the second International Conference on Information and knowledge management. ACM, 1993.






Semantic nets were created as an attempt to express interlingua, a common language that would be used for translation between various natural languages. A typical example is WordNet that describes relations between English words and defines the words using natural language. Parts of WordNet were translated to other languages and the links between various languages exist and can be used as the base for translation.
Topic Maps are (syntactically) standardized form of semantic networks. They allow using topics (concepts), associations (relations) between concepts (including specifying role of topic in the association), and occurrences (resources relevant to topic, in fact instances of topic). Topics, associations and occurrences are used to create ontology of a domain, and a particular topic map then uses them to expresses state of affairs in the domain.




  • (Woods, 1975) ⇒ W. A. Woods. (1975). “What's in a Link: Foundations for Semantic Networks." BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC CAMBRIDGE MASS
    • CITED BY ~809
    • ABSTRACT: The paper is concerned with the theoretical underpinnings for semantic network representations. It is concerned specifically with understanding the semantics of the semantic network structures themselves, i.e., with what the notations and structures used in a semantic network can mean, and with interpretations of what these links mean that will be logically adequate to the job of representing knowledge. It focuses on several issues: the meaning of 'semantics', the need for explicit understanding of the intended meanings for various types of arcs and links, the need for careful thought in choosing conventions for representing facts as assemblages of arcs and nodes, and several specific difficult problems in knowledge representation - especially problems of relative clauses and quantification.