Semantic Lexical Database
(Redirected from Semantic Dictionary)
A semantic lexical database is a lexical database of semantic lexical item records (whose lexical item records are associated to a semantic class).
- AKA: Conceptual Lexicon, Semantic Lexicon, Lexical KB.
- Context:
- It can be populated with a Semantic Lexical Database Population Task.
- It can range from being a Unilingual Lexical KB to being a Multilingual Lexical KB.
- Example(s)
- Counter-Example(s):
- a Syntactic Lexical Database (that only has syntactic categories).
- See: Synset, Semantic Network.
- (Qadir & Riloff, 2012) ⇒ Ashequl Qadir, and Ellen Riloff. (2012). “Ensemble-based Semantic Lexicon Induction for Semantic Tagging.” In: Proceedings of the First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*Sem 2012).
- QUOTE: One of the most fundamental aspects of meaning is the association between words and semantic categories, which allows us to understand that a “cow” is an animal and a “house” is a structure. We will use the term semantic lexicon to refer to a dictionary that associates words with semantic classes. Semantic dictionaries are useful for many NLP tasks, as evidenced by the widespread use of WordNet (Miller, 1990). However, off-the-shelf resources are not always sufficient for specialized domains, such as medicine, chemistry, or microelectronics. Furthermore, in virtually every domain, texts contain lexical variations that are often missing from dictionaries, such as acronyms, abbreviations, spelling variants, informal shorthand terms (e.g., “abx” for “antibiotics”), and composite terms (e.g., “may-december” or “virus/worm”). To address this problem, techniques have been developed to automate the construction of semantic lexicons from text corpora using bootstrapping methods (Riloff and Shepherd, 1997; Roark and Charniak, 1998; Phillips and Riloff, 2002; Thelen and Riloff, 2002; Ng, 2007; McIntosh and Curran, 2009; McIntosh, 2010), but accuracy is still far from perfect.
- A semantic lexicon is a dictionary of words labeled with semantic classes so associations can be drawn between words that have not previously been encountered: it is a dictionary with a semantic network.
- (Roark & Charniak, 1998) ⇒ Brian Roark, and Eugene Charniak. (1998). “Noun-Phrase Co-occurrence Statistics for Semiautomatic Semantic Lexicon Construction.” In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational linguistics doi:10.3115/980432.980751
- (Richardson et al., 1998) ⇒ Stephen D. Richardson, William B. Dolan, and Lucy Vanderwende. (1998). “MindNet: Acquiring and Structuring Semantic Information from Text.” In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics - Volume 2. doi:10.3115/980691.980749
- QUOTE: As a lexical knowledge base constructed automatically from the definitions and example sentences in two machine-readable dictionaries (MRDs), MindNet embodies several features that distinguish it from prior work with MRDs.
- (Riloff, 1997) ⇒ Ellen Riloff, and J. Shepherd. (1997). “A Corpus-based Approach for Building Semantic Lexicons.” In: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.