Data Value
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A data value is a data item that is an elementary unit of information.
- AKA: Data Element, Datum.
- Context:
- It can be the result of an Observation (from a sensor).
- It can be a member of an Data Set, such as an: Unordered Data Set or an Ordered Data Set.
- It can be associated to a Data Type (e.g. Categorical Value, Ordinal Value, Numeric Value).
- It can be a Data Attribute Value (associated with a Data Attribute).
- It can be Electronic Data Value or Non-Electronic Data Value.
- It can be an Undefined Data Value.
- It can range from being a Discrete Data Value (e.g. an ordinal data value) to being a Continuous Data Vale (e.g. a numerical data value).
- Example(s):
- The instance that appears on this page of:
- ♥, +, -, ♀, ♂, ♫, ﴾, ﯔ, €, ™, ©, ±, 1, a, 1, 9, Z, <, *, %, ^, &, … a Symbol.
- 1, 0, ∞, 1.1, π, -4.5, … a Number.
- a, A, â, ã, ä, Â, Ã, Ä, b, B, … 0, 1, an Alphanumeric Character.
- +, -, <, *, ∏, ∑, ≠, ≡, ≈, ⌐ … a Mathematical Operation Symbol.
- 2008-Oct-09, a Date.
- he, she, New York, Excel, … a Lexical Word.
- John Doe, John, he, they, an Entity Mention.
- John Doe used his copy of Excel today. A Sentence.
- the information for a Visual Pixel.
- a Matrix Cell Value.
- …
- The instance that appears on this page of:
- Counter-Example(s):
- a Handwritten Grapheme (non-machine processable)
- a
, a Data Tuple. - A Text item.
- A Sound.
- See: Ground Fact, Data Item.
- (Wikipedia, 2015) ⇒ Retrieved:2015-1-23.
- Data is a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables; restated, pieces of data are individual pieces of information. Data is measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, whereupon it can be visualized using graphs or images. Data as an abstract concept can be viewed as the lowest level of abstraction, from which information and then knowledge are derived. Raw data, i.e., unprocessed data, refers to a collection of numbers, characters and is a relative term; data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the next. Field data refers to raw data that is collected in an uncontrolled in situ environment. Experimental data refers to data that is generated within the context of a scientific investigation by observation and recording. The word "data" used to be considered as the plural of "datum", but now is generally used in the singular, as a mass noun. [1]
- (Wikipedia, 2010) ⇒
- Raw data is a collection of numbers, characters, images or other outputs from devices to convert physical quantities into symbols, in a very broad sense. Such data is typically further processed by a human or input into a computer, stored and processed there, or transmitted (output) to another human or computer. Raw data is a relative term; data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the next.
- Data Value: A single piece of information. Examples of data values are names, dates, or dollar amounts.
- A data value that is complete in and of itself, without reference to other data values. Numbers, strings, and ODB addresses are examples of atomic ...
- DAMA08.
- Data: Facts represented as text, numbers, graphics, images, sound or video. Data is the raw material used to create information.
- The most elementary unit of data that can be identified and described in a dictionary or repository which cannot be subdivided.
- The smallest piece of information considered meaningful and usable. A single logical data fact, the basic building block of a Logical Data Model.
- The implementation of an attribute in a physical data model. DAMA08