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A Quote is a textual unit that captures word sequences (to convey specific meanings from sources).
- AKA: Quotation.
- Context:
- It can typically present Direct Quote Statement through exact quote reproduction.
- It can typically preserve Original Quote Expression through verbatim quote capture.
- It can typically reference Quote Source Material through quote attribution system.
- It can typically maintain Quote Integrity through accurate quote transcription.
- It can typically convey Quote Author Intent through quote context preservation.
- It can often provide Quote Evidence through documented quote reference.
- It can often illustrate Quote Key Concept through representative quote extract.
- It can often emphasize Quote Point through highlighted quote passage.
- It can often summarize Quote Message through key quote excerpt.
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- It can range from being a Brief Quote to being an Extended Quote, depending on its quote length.
- It can range from being a Simple Quote to being a Complex Quote, depending on its quote structure.
- It can range from being a Literal Quote to being a Translated Quote, depending on its quote translation.
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- It can support Academic Quote for scholarly quote citation.
- It can enhance Literary Quote Analysis for textual quote examination.
- It can enable Historical Quote Documentation for quote preservation.
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- Examples:
- Language-Specific Quotes, such as:
- Spanish Language Quotes, such as "En boca cerrada no entran moscas" (pron. "en boh-kah seh-rrah-dah noh en-trahn mohs-kahs") (trans. "Flies don't enter a closed mouth").
- German Language Quotes, such as "Wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen" (pron. "vair nikht her-en vil, moos fue-len") (trans. "He who will not hear must feel").
- Italian Language Quotes, such as "La vita è bella" (pron. "lah vee-tah eh bel-lah") (trans. "Life is beautiful").
- Persian Language Quotes, such as "این نیز بگذرد" (pron. "een neez boh-gzah-rad") (trans. "This too shall pass").
- Hindi Language Quotes, such as "अतिथि देवो भव" (pron. "ah-tee-thee day-vo bhav") (trans. "The guest is equivalent to God").
- Urdu Language Quotes, such as "تقدیر کے قیدی ہم بھی ہیں تم بھی ہو" (pron. "tak-deer kay kay-dee hum bhee hain tum bhee ho") (trans. "We are all prisoners of fate").
- Hebrew Language Quotes, such as "אם אין אני לי, מי לי" (pron. "eem ayn ah-nee lee, mee lee") (trans. "If I am not for myself, who will be for me").
- Japanese Language Quotes, such as "七転び八起き" (pron. "nah-nah ko-ro-bee yah-oh-kee") (trans. "Fall seven times, stand up eight").
- Yue Language Quotes, such as "食得苦中苦,方為人上人" (pron. "sik dak foo jung foo, fong wai yan seung yan") (trans. "One who can endure the bitterest of the bitter will be the greatest of men").
- Literary Quotes, such as:
- Poetry Quotes, such as:
- Shakespeare Quotes capturing poetic quote expression, such as:
- Hamlet Soliloquy Quote stating "To be, or not to be: that is the question."
- Macbeth Tomorrow Quote stating "Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day."
- Sonnet Love Quote expressing "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"
- Epic Quotes preserving heroic quote narrative, such as:
- Paradise Lost Quote declaring "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."
- Shakespeare Quotes capturing poetic quote expression, such as:
- Prose Quotes, such as:
- Novel Quotes illustrating character quote development, such as:
- Pride Prejudice Quote stating "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
- Moby Dick Quote beginning "Call me Ishmael."
- Tale Cities Quote opening "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
- Novel Quotes illustrating character quote development, such as:
- Poetry Quotes, such as:
- Historical Quotes, such as:
- Speech Quotes, such as:
- War Speech Quotes expressing leadership resolve, such as:
- Churchill Beach Quote declaring "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."
- Henry Liberty Quote proclaiming "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
- Roosevelt Fear Quote stating "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
- Peace Speech Quotes promoting social harmony, such as:
- King Dream Quote expressing "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'"
- Gandhi Peace Quote stating "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
- War Speech Quotes expressing leadership resolve, such as:
- Document Quotes, such as:
- Constitutional Quotes establishing governance principles, such as:
- US Constitution Quote beginning "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union..."
- Rights Declaration Quote asserting "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
- Constitutional Quotes establishing governance principles, such as:
- Speech Quotes, such as:
- Academic Quotes, such as:
- Scientific Quotes presenting research quote findings, such as:
- Physics Quotes expressing scientific principles, such as:
- Einstein Relativity Quote stating "E = mc²"
- Feynman Understanding Quote explaining "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics."
- Medical Quotes defining health principles, such as:
- Hippocrates Oath Quote promising "First, do no harm."
- Physics Quotes expressing scientific principles, such as:
- Philosophical Quotes examining theoretical quote concepts, such as:
- Ancient Philosophy Quotes exploring fundamental truths, such as:
- Socrates Knowledge Quote stating "I know that I know nothing."
- Descartes Thinking Quote stating "I think, therefore I am."
- Ancient Philosophy Quotes exploring fundamental truths, such as:
- Scientific Quotes presenting research quote findings, such as:
- Cultural Quotes, such as:
- Proverb Quotes expressing folk quote wisdom, such as:
- Ancient Proverb Quotes sharing traditional wisdom, such as:
- Chinese Proverb Quote teaching "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
- Modern Proverb Quotes reflecting contemporary wisdom, such as:
- Business Proverb Quote stating "Time is money."
- Ancient Proverb Quotes sharing traditional wisdom, such as:
- Proverb Quotes expressing folk quote wisdom, such as:
- ...
- Language-Specific Quotes, such as:
- Counter-Examples:
- Quote Paraphrase, which rewrites original quote in different words.
- Quote Summary, which condenses quote source without exact quote reproduction.
- Quote Reference, which mentions quote source without direct quote.
- See: Quote Citation, Quote Source, Quote Text, Quote Attribution, Quote Context, Quote Documentation.
- Perplexity.ai
- Question: What are influential and well-known quotes that have shaped human thought throughout history?
- Answer: Influential quotes have profoundly shaped human thinking and cultural development across generations, offering timeless wisdom through various philosophical, leadership, and life wisdom perspectives.
- Citations:
[1] https://www.timechamp.io/blogs/the-100-best-and-most-famous-quotes-of-all-time/ [2] https://meramonitor.com/best-quotes-of-all-time/ [3] https://fi.edu/en/science-and-education/benjamin-franklin/famous-quotes
- Perplexity.ai
- Question: What are universally translated and globally recognized quotes that maintain their impact across different languages?
- Answer: Universal quotes demonstrate how certain fundamental truths and cultural observations transcend linguistic barriers while maintaining their meaning and cultural interpretations across translations.
- Philosophical Translations:
- Cultural Expressions:
- "Practice makes perfect" has cultural equivalents across languages, such as the Arabic version "Repetition teaches the donkey".
- Weather & Nature Expressions:
- "It's raining cats and dogs" demonstrates cultural metaphor variations, like the Lithuanian version "It's raining axes".
- Citations:
[1] https://www.pimsleur.com/blog/idioms-around-the-world/ [2] https://www.wor.com/blogs/news/proverbs-in-different-languages [3] https://www.dynamiclanguage.com/discovering-life-quotes-in-other-languages/