Open Knowledge Base Connectivity

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A Open Knowledge Base Connectivity is an application programming interface for accessing knowledge representation systems.



Open Knowledge Base Connectivity (OKBC) is a protocol and an API for accessing knowledge in knowledge representation systems such as ontology repositories and object-relational databases. It is somewhat complementary to the Knowledge Interchange Format that serves as a general representation language for knowledge. It is developed by SRI International's Artificial Intelligence Center for DARPA's High Performance Knowledge Base program (HPKB).


The OKBC knowledge model assumes a universe of discourse consisting of all entities about which knowledge is to be expressed. In every domain of discourse it is assumed that all constants of the following basic types are always defined: integers, floating point numbers, strings, symbols, lists, classes. It is also assumed that the logical constants true and false are included in every domain of discourse. Classes are sets of entities, and all sets of entities are considered to be classes.


OKBC is a successor of Generic Frame Protocol (GFP) which was primarily aimed at systems that can be viewed as frame representation systems and was jointly developed by Artificial Intelligence Center of SRI International and Knowledge Systems Laboratory of Stanford University.
OKBC provides a uniform model of KRSs based on a common conceptualization of classes, individuals, slots, facets, and inheritance. OKBC is defined in a programming language independent fashion, and has existing implementations in Common Lisp, Java, and C. The protocol transparently supports networked as well as direct access to KRSs and knowledge bases.
OKBC consists of a set of operations that provide a generic interface to underlying KRSs. This interface isolates an application from many of the idiosyncrasies of a specific KRS and enables the development of tools (e.g., graphical browsers, frame editors, analysis tools, inference tools) that operate on many KRSs. It has been successfully used in several ongoing projects at SRI and Stanford University.