Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Clause

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An Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Clause is a contract clause within an NDA agreement.



  • LLM
    • # Hierarchical Structure of NDA Clauses

1. **Definitional Clauses

  1.1. Definition of Confidential Information
     - Types of information covered
     - Marking requirements
  1.2. Exclusions from Confidential Information
     - Public knowledge
     - Previously known information
     - Independently developed information
  1.3. Parties to Agreement
     - Disclosing Party
     - Receiving Party
     - Any relevant third parties

2. **Operational Clauses

  2.1. Obligations of Receiving Party
     - Standard of care
     - Non-disclosure requirements
     - Security measures
  2.2. Permitted Use of Information
     - Specific authorized purposes
     - Restrictions on use
  2.3. Procedures for Handling Confidential Information
     - Storage requirements
     - Access limitations
  2.4. Non-Solicitation
     - Of employees
     - Of clients/customers

3. **Duration and Termination Clauses

  3.1. Term of Agreement
     - Effective date
     - Duration of confidentiality obligations
  3.2. Termination Conditions
     - Events triggering termination
     - Notice requirements
  3.3. Post-Termination Obligations
     - Return or destruction of information
     - Certification of compliance
  3.4. Survivorship
     - Obligations continuing after termination

4. **Legal and Compliance Clauses

  4.1. Remedies for Breach
     - Monetary damages
     - Injunctive relief
  4.2. Legal Obligation to Disclose
     - Notification requirements
     - Cooperation in seeking protective order
  4.3. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
  4.4. Dispute Resolution
     - Arbitration provisions
     - Mediation requirements

5. **Specialized Clauses

  5.1. No Reverse Engineering
  5.2. Residual Information
  5.3. Non-Disclosure of Agreement's Existence
  5.4. No Grant of Rights or Licenses
  5.5. Amendments and Waivers

6. **General Contract Clauses

  6.1. Entire Agreement
  6.2. Severability
  6.3. Assignment
  6.4. Counterparts


  • LLM
    • REQUEST: Please create a Wiki table titled "NDA Clauses and Proportions" with two columns: "NDA Clause Type" and "Estimated Clause Proportion (%)". The first column should list various common NDA clauses found in Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), and the second column should provide the estimated proportion range (in percentage) of NDAs that typically include each clause.
NDA Clauses and Proportions
Clause Type Estimated Proportion (%)
Definition of Confidential Information Clause 95-100
Exclusions from Confidential Information Clause 90-95
Parties to Agreement Clause 95-100
Obligations of Receiving Party Clause 90-95
Permitted Use of Confidential Information Clause 85-90
Procedures for Handling Confidential Information Clause 80-90
Non-Solicitation of Employees/Clients Clause 70-80
Term and Termination Clause 90-95
Return or Destruction of Information Clause 85-90
Survivorship Clause 80-85
Remedies for Breach Clause 90-95
Legal Obligation to Disclose Clause 85-90
Injunctive Relief Clause 80-85
No Reverse Engineering Clause 70-75
Residual Information Clause 60-65
Non-Disclosure of Agreement's Existence Clause 50-55