Pull Request (PR)

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A Pull Request (PR) is a request for review for a proposed code branch.






  • https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/#pr
    • QUOTE: ... Pull Requests are the heart of collaboration on GitHub. When you open a pull request, you’re proposing your changes and requesting that someone review and pull in your contribution and merge them into their branch. Pull requests show diffs, or differences, of the content from both branches. The changes, additions, and subtractions are shown in green and red.

      As soon as you make a commit, you can open a pull request and start a discussion, even before the code is finished.

      By using GitHub’s mention system in your pull request message, you can ask for feedback from specific people or teams, whether they’re down the hall or 10 time zones away.

      You can even open pull requests in your own repository and merge them yourself. It’s a great way to learn the GitHub flow before working on larger projects.



  • https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/making-a-pull-request
    • QUOTE: ... In their simplest form, pull requests are a mechanism for a developer to notify team members that they have completed a feature. Once their feature branch is ready, the developer files a pull request via their Bitbucket account. This lets everybody involved know that they need to review the code and merge it into the master branch.

      But, the pull request is more than just a notification — it’s a dedicated forum for discussing the proposed feature. If there are any problems with the changes, teammates can post feedback in the pull request and even tweak the feature by pushing follow-up commits. All of this activity is tracked directly inside of the pull request. ...

      ... When you file a pull request, all you’re doing is requesting that another developer (e.g., the project maintainer) pulls a branch from your repository into their repository. This means that you need to provide 4 pieces of information to file a pull request: the source repository, the source branch, the destination repository, and the destination branch.

  1. Sijbrandij, Sytse (29 September 2014). "GitLab Flow". https://about.gitlab.com/2014/09/29/gitlab-flow/. Retrieved 4 August 2018. 
  2. Johnson, Mark (8 November 2013). "What is a pull request?". http://oss-watch.ac.uk/resources/pullrequest. Retrieved 27 March 2016. 
  3. "Using pull requests". GitHub. https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/. Retrieved 27 March 2016. 
  4. "Making a Pull Request". Atlassian. https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/making-a-pull-request. Retrieved 27 March 2016.