Organization Manager

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An Organization Manager is an employee who is a team manager and performs organizational managerial tasks.




    • QUOTE: ... The hypothesis was that the quality of a manager doesn't matter and that managers are at best a necessary evil, and at worst a useless layer of bureaucracy. The early work of Project Oxygen, in 2002, included a radical experiment -- a move to a flat organization without any managers.

      The experiment was a disaster, lasting only a few months as the search giant found employees were left without direction and guidance on their most basic questions and needs.

      Never daunted, Google pivoted to extensively study the opposite question -- what are the common behaviors of their very best managers? It came up with a list of eight attributes, verified quantitatively and qualitatively in multiple ways. It then rolled out those findings in 2010 to its organization to ingest and use. ...


    • QUOTE: As soon as you start working with a new boss, one of your priorities should be to understand their buttons. Ideally, you should ask them directly: What are your absolute priorities for your performance and mine? What criteria should I always take into account in my decisions? When it comes to style, you should ask: How would you prefer I work with you? What do I need to avoid doing that would really bother you? Find out how they’d prefer to work with you, such as how often you two should meet, whether they prefer formal or informal meetings, if you should be reachable at all times by email and cell, and how they will measure your performance.


    • QUOTE: How can managers — from the front lines to the C-suite — thrive in the age of AI? …
      Figure: How managers spend their time: Percentage of time respondents spend on categories of work: 54% Administrative coordination and control; Solving problems and collaborating; Strategy and innovation; Developing people and engaging with stakeholders. …

      … we identified five practices that successful managers will need to master.

      1. Practice 1: Leave Administration to AI. According to the survey, managers across all levels spend more than half of their time on administrative coordination and control tasks. (For instance, a typical store manager or a lead nurse at a nursing home must constantly juggle shift schedules because of staff members’ illnesses, vacations, or sudden departures.) … The managers we surveyed see such change in a positive light: Eighty-six percent said they would like AI support with monitoring and reporting.
      2. Practice 2: Focus on Judgment Work. Many decisions require insight beyond what artificial intelligence can squeeze from data alone. Managers use their knowledge of organizational history and culture, as well as empathy and ethical reflection. This is the essence of human judgment — the application of experience and expertise to critical business decisions and practices. ...


    • QUOTE: If you’re considering promoting a member of your organization, you can ask them or their coworkers for examples of the above-mentioned management characteristics and skills. Ask questions such as:
      1. When have you had to increase your self-awareness in order to assure that you could move something forward?
      2. What do you view as the challenges of managing this team at this time?
      3. Have you managed a group outside of work that helped you learn something about management?
      4. Who among your coworkers has already seen your ability to manage a group and a project?
      5. How would you prepare to move from your current role on the team into the role of team manager?
      6. How have you developed your people skills?
      7. How would you balance your attention to the big-picture goals and your team’s everyday implementation of them?


    • QUOTE: My favorite Peter Drucker misquotation is, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Drucker wrote a great deal about how managers should measure performance, but this particular phrase didn’t come from his pen. Instead, his measurement advice was linked to his belief in “managing by objectives,” and above all urged managers to “focus on results.”

      The challenge is that all too often, managers haven’t asked what results they ultimately want to achieve. Most of what an organization chooses to measure, and to do, must hinge on this question. I recently had the opportunity to learn from what, in design-speak, we might call an “edge case” of this


  • QUOTE: … We all want to be liked at work — especially by our bosses. … you don't have to be best friends with your manager, "but you can achieve optimal creativity and success if you feel that you're liked, supported, and respected by them." Here are 21 subtle signs your boss secretly hates you. Of course, a boss who does these things could just be a terrible leader. But if you notice you're the only victim of these behaviors, it probably means they don't like you.
    • You've got a bad gut feeling.
    • They never ask you for input or involve you in key decisions.
    • They can't maintain eye contact with you.
    • They don't smile around you.
    • They micromanage you, and only you.
    • They avoid you like the proverbial plague.
    • They don’t a knowledge your presence.
    • They're short with you.
    • They give off negative body language.
    • They never invite you to participate in important meetings or special projects.
    • Their door is always closed.
    • They constantly disagree with you.
    • They never ask about your personal life or family, always keeping conversations professional and businesslike.
    • They assign you jobs that no one else wants to do.
    • They never give you any feedback …
    • They don't ever include you in their office bantering or humor.
    • They steal credit for your ideas.
    • Your plum project gets reassigned.
    • They have a shorter attention span for you than anyone else.