Febrl Record Linkage System
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A Febrl Record Linkage System is a record linkage system originally designed for biomedical records.
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/febrl/
- Febrl (Freely Extensible Biomedical Record Linkage) does data standardisation (segmentation and cleaning) and probabilistic record linkage ("fuzzy" matching) of one or more files or data sources which do not share a unique record key or identifier.
- http://datamining.anu.edu.au/projects/linkage.html
- QUOTE: … We have started developing prototype software which undertakes data standardisation, which is an essential pre-processing phase for most record linkage projects, and which implements the "classical" approach to probabilistic record linkage model as described by Fellegi and Sunter (I. Fellegi and A. Sunter, A theory for record linkage. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1969) and subsequently extended by others. We hope that this prototype software will be of immediate use to biomedical and other researchers.