Extraterrestrial Intelligence
(Redirected from Extraterrestrial intelligence)
An Extraterrestrial Intelligence is an intelligent system that is an extraterrestrial system.
- (Davies, 2010) ⇒ Paul Davies. (2010). “The Eerie Silence: Are We Alone in the Universe?." Penguin.
- QUOTE: … Machines can easily be made immortal, by replacing their parts with spares when they wear out. They can also be merged to make bigger and better machines, and can function under a wide range of physical conditions. All in all, machines offer a far safer and more durable repository for intelligence than brains.
My conclusion is a startling one. I think it very likely – in fact, inevitable – that biological intelligence is only a transitory phenomenon, a fleeting phrase in the evolution of intelligence in the universe. If we ever encounter extraterrestrial intelligence, I believe it is very likely to be post-biological in nature, a conclusion that has obvious and far-reaching ramification for SETI.
- QUOTE: … Machines can easily be made immortal, by replacing their parts with spares when they wear out. They can also be merged to make bigger and better machines, and can function under a wide range of physical conditions. All in all, machines offer a far safer and more durable repository for intelligence than brains.