Evolutionary Economics Theory

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An Evolutionary Economics Theory is an evolutionary theory for economic systems that applies principles of evolutionary biology to understand economic processes.



  1. Friedman, D. (1998). Evolutionary economics goes mainstream: A review of the theory of learning in games. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 8(4), 423-432.
  2. Geoffrey M. Hodgson (1993) Economics and Evolution: Bringing Life Back Into Economics, Cambridge and University of Michigan Press. Description and chapter-link preview.
  3. Daniel Friedman (1998). “On Economic Applications of Evolutionary Game Theory," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 8(1), pp. 15-43.
  4. Ulrich Witt (2008). “evolutionary economics." The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition, v. 3, pp. 67-68 Abstract.
  5. Paul H. Rubin and C. Monica Capra. The evolutionary psychology of economics. In